Hi Nigel,
my second bike is an Ezee Sprint (first is a Torq), although I bought it because the price was right rather than it being ideal, having said that it is turning out to be a useful bike, having battery interchangeability with the torq is very convenient and it's a great hill climber, it does lack the looks and handling of the torq though.
My first bike (Before the Ezee's) was a much cheaper machine purchased from an ebay shop, it had a great spec which turned out to be somewhat exaggerated, ie 30 miles was really 15, 25kg was 28kg etc.. The bike suffered continual faults and eventually went into electrical meltdown, the battery wasn't even protected by a fuse

- a new meaning for the "China Syndrome". So beware, there really is some junk about.
For me the Torq is a very hard bike to beat, some have criticised it's hill climbing ability, but with modified gearing to suit my riding style that is not a problem, it has great range and its speed is legendary

. It would be nice if it were a bit lighter, but realistically comparing it to comparable non-powered hybrids it is about 10kg heavier, if one removes the rack, stand etc that the non powered machine doesn't have anyway then the difference is more like 8½ kg and it is difficult to imagine how anyone could produce a battery/controller/motor combination that is any lighter with similar power and range.
Basically what I'm saying is that my ideal second bike would be like a Torq but with a titanium frame, carbon fibre components etc, I'd never be able to afford it though so maybe I'd settle for another Torq, but stripped to the bone with thin tyres just for fine weather road use.