I'm new to this site, an electric bike novice but have been eyeing up Electric bicycle DIY kits kit e-bike DIY kits kit Electric bicycle DIY kits kit e-bike DIY kits kit Electric bicycle DIY kits kit e-bike DIY kits kit for a while now as what seems like a sensible (if not always legal) approach to electrically assisting an existing bike. Previously their prices put me off but with the weak dollar they're looking better at present (and I suspect Ern who sells them from Devon would have problems matching). I was considering just 180 or 250W version (348dollars delivered to UK) and presume I could find or assemble an appropriate battery pack over here. Could someone experienced confirm whether I'm thinking along the right lines - I do a fair amount of cycling but just want to get places a tad quicker and ease off pedalling at end of ride so I don't arrive sweaty. Phil