Yes, four quarter charges equals one full charge Steve. In practice I think 500 full charges will prove to be a best figure for most lithium based batteries, judging from experience to date, but much depends on the range needed.
For example, if I use a bike chiefly for 4 mile shopping trips in a fairly flat area, I might still be able to do one of those on a battery over three years old which had been through over 500 charges, but that battery would be useless for a commuter who wanted to cover 15 miles each way with some steep hills. That commuter might well have had to scrap the battery at before 400 charges even.
What I'm emphasizing here is that batteries in well managed bike systems don't just stop working suddenly, they merely gradually deteriorate in both range and peak outputs.
James, I remember kraeuterbutter's comments on that, but I'm not confident that the conditions applying to small LiFePO4 cells hold true for other and larger types, the cathode and chemistry differences being very real. I think the better bike charging systems are good enough for our purposes to stop charging sufficiently short of absolute maximum.
That said, it's always best to charge just before use where possible for best performance, but the real cell stress is experienced during the last 10% of charge as current actually flows into the cells against growing resistance, generating heat. Once charged and off current, the chemical state is stable with heat going quickly and any ill effect will be minimal compared with the actual period of late charge.