What amp hour do i need

Hi all , could anyone tell me what amp hour of battery i need , i think the ones i have at the moment are either 10 amp hour or 7 amp hour ( not sure how to tell ) , i travel a total of 6 miles each day , so could i buy a lower amp hour battery and still be ok for work or do i need a higher amp hour battery .

btw if i do decide to buy new batterys will any type do , or do they have to be a certain type , ie car battery type or leisure battery type .
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Oct 25, 2006
7 Ah would be sufficient for your range. Have a look at this thread for some sites and advice on getting suitable ones, and get ones with the right dimensions of course.
Hi Flecc , i did have a good read of the info on the link thanks , i've done a bit of searching and haven't found a battery near the size of mine yet , mine are 110mm x 100mm x 85mm , i think i remember you saying in another thread that these batterys are now hard to get hold of .


Oct 25, 2006
Yes, I think that is the difficult size. If so, they haven't been made for quite while, which might account for yours being spent.

The only size I know of that would fit in the case would be 90 x 70 x 100 mm, but that's only 4.2 Ah. That should still cover your six miles, but the performance wouldn't be as good as it should be. Those are available from Maplin, code no: L53AC, but they are rather expensive at around £19 each, so worth shopping around first.

I'm afraid you may have been caught out with that bike, since this no longer manufactured situation regarding that battery size has been known of for some time.
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