No it must have got in when I was riding in the wet on Friday. There was no water there the previous weekend when I had the front tyre off, and the bike shop took the rear one off to fix the puncture on the Wednesday.
The Wisper tyres are in fact the 'K-shield puncture resistant' Kendas which sound like the Ezee ones. I've seen that you and others got on OK with these Kendas. I have to say the PowaCycle ones were ok, but not very smooth and the puncture I got with them was really my fault - trying to bump up a kerb with a rear hub motor and panniers was not clever!
Maybe both John/Aldby and I were unlucky. Maybe the Wisper rear tyre has a harder job to do because both motor and pedal power go through the same wheel. My best guesses are:
1. That the Kendas used, being the extra-wide 1.95", didn't fit the rims very well, or
2. Valve holes
I saw the Ezee kit was shipping with Marathon Plus from the thread on Endless Sphere where you posted - its certainly plus points for Ezee's Canadian dealer, Ebikes.ca!