Waste ...


Nov 28, 2006
After 11 months of having my Quando 2, and having the Elran electric bike before that, I wonder what was the point, yeah fun for the first few months, that's when it was working, or wasn't waiting, or brake failing, or getting it back scratched up, and the mud guard being bent so I couldn't peddle, but despite all that I persevered, but now when I very much need to get to A to B, and have a battery that keeps going off, wont use the hills at all, and I estimate that Li ion battery as been used less than 100 times, and that's small usage too, down hill, not used throttle, almost 2 mile, and uphill, where i got one good ride, and after that mainly walking alongside it with the throttle helping me along. I think of the £850 not including extras, and think of the small amount of usage I have had from the battery, which is extremely poor, despite this the bike is rubbish without a battery, its too heavy, and I see the only battery available is the one at £305 plus the £125 for the charger, and with that, and what i have spent, I could of got an excellent scooter, moped, of course, I wanted an electric bike, but didn't know I would get such a short life span from the Li ion battery, the charge rate is a joke. People are always interested in where i got my bike, but tell them until the batteries get better its pointless, unless I was one of the unlucky ones?
Yet another freezing cold morning, taking bike uphill, very time consuming, not to mention more colds, when I need to be 100% for my job as a carer.
Ok, ive let of steam.
Out of curiosity, when are the NiMH batts available? I see you can order a bike and naturally get the battery, but you can only order the most expensive battery.
After the last few months of getting bad to worse its difficault to stay optimistic towards electric power.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 1, 2007
hi cant you return battery under warranty or is it just 6 month


Oct 25, 2006
The NiMh supply is so short you need to place an advance order Gaynor so that you get one of the very limited number as they get through.

The £305 battery and £125 charger aren't for your bike though, they're for a different make.

Your Lithium battery is £250 as ever, and the NiMh when available is usually £200.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 11, 2006
Mere, Wilts
Lithium Batteries - eZee Cyles

I see that the following information is posted on the 50 Cycles website.

"37V 10Ah Lithium battery pack
fits all eZee NiMH models
£250 (£300 with charger)

Currently out of stock due to high demand"

Is this the rush to replace prematurely exhausted Lithium batteries?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 1, 2007
Leicester LE4, UK.
It annoys me that suppliers continue to insist that only a small percentage of users have problems with lithium batteries when quite clearly almost everyone experiences a life that is a fraction of what is claimed (but not guaranteed:( )
Maybe only a small percentage complain, but if this forum membership is a representative sample then virtually all regular users will have problems.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
tell me the good bits about quando

oh:eek: this could not have come at a worse time gaynor...:rolleyes: well it could, i am on the verge of splashing out on just the very bike you have hardly given a glowing report to, i have a fabulous foldup bike, the synergie, my only dislike is the lack of umph the 24 volt battery gives and as i have exhausted all avenues, (includeing the £75 just spend on new chain cogs..or whatever the technical terms are),to have it changed to 36 volt for more umph, so after failing to secure any discount for cash from suppliers for new one, (well you have to try.lol) and then failing to even get a full years warranty out of the "not secondhand" demo (£645) that has no rear mudguard or chainguard, and as yet not been advised the length of warranty i would be offered with it, after they had discounted how old it is while it has not left the premises to work out warranty left on it.......:D ..i had all nut got me credit card out and made the call, or internet purchase, and then your report.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the only actual "real" person i have seen any info from was our very own unbiased Flecc, and very much enjoyed his report on his Q-bike project...not sure exactly of figures for non altered bike but have concluded from this and that conversation that it "does what it says on the tin"......and while you cannot get one second hand as they dont come up presumably as they are such good work horses, i had at least expected to find lots of reviews to read to convince me i have listened well to Flec and not been swayed by the "reviews" on the website where the quando is advertised....however i have not found any other reviews which i found odd as the suppliers tell me they are in very short supply of the quando2...... so if there are any more quando owners please convince me its a good idea to spend the best part of a thousand pound after lights, lots, and saddle bag which will be best part of £150....befor anyone says there are loads of other great bikes which are much faster i should say that at the moment my main use is i cycle 3 miles to the train station at Hessle, hop on the train and off at Doncaster and cycle the 8 miles to my g/f's house, while i use the term "cycle"......i dont actually want to be putting effort in and as its very slightly gradient orientated journey and slightly breezy i need something more then my synergy which will keep up to speed without me having to pedal...often also i fold up and put in boot of car, and once i have had a flexible yet tough bag made i will be able to fold up and pop on the bus too as no larger then a large suitcase and no strop off bus driver that im transporting a bike on his bus...other then the schwinn folder which has perfect features the quando is the only foldup i have found with 36 volt power...i should add that the schwinn folder is only available in picture form in the 2007 catalogue at the moment and no idea of release date even by supplier in bridlington can be given, even he has no clue about them.....


Oct 25, 2006
My Quando came with NiMh Keith, and that's how I always used it.

Since I converted it to the Q bike, I have sometimes used a Torq Li-ion on it, but am now on NiMh all the time.

Much depends on your hills. If they are moderate and most of your running is at speed on the flat, the Li-ion will be very slightly the faster and shouldn't suffer the cut-outs. If there's any sort of hills to be climbed, either steep or long, that's where Li-ion cutouts are mostly a problem.

Range too. If your journey is below about 8 miles on a Quando, that will suit Li-ion, but if it's near the 15 mile range of the Quando, then Li-ion is not a good choice.

Only a foolhardy person would consider the Schwinn folder at present, following the mess they made of the similar rigid e-bike setup.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
foolhardy person...sounds like me..lol...

foolhardy yes, enticed by higher speed deristricted and amazing journey lenghth possible with new battery yes thats me......BUT while summer was here i loved my synergie journey with the warm air breezing lovingly through my whispy hair....OK BALD AREAS :mad: ......then 3 weeks ago and the cold spell brought firm breeze/wind and i had to pedal assist ALL the journey and was i angry and felt stupid, and that was it no more, i even left my bike at g/f's that sunday as could not face another cycle.......my exact jouirney will be 2.75 miles to hessle and 7.8 miles to g/f's from doncaster, it has half the journey with gentle gradients but not hills, and with it being wide open and fields either side it is rather breezy....you mention different battery types, am i able to ask for the one i want or does it come with a specific type which i have to have, you know the bike well and will take your advice on battery Flecc, also i will want panniers, without being a copycat i really like the ones shown on your q-bike as they seem as big as i can imagine panniers being on a bike this size,and whenn you have to rely on your bike for transportation whether it be for work or leisure they need to be the best size available, are they standard and can be bought like that, did you have to modify your rack in any way ?, i reckon i will take the plunge tomorrow so would appreciate your answers and advice on questions above and also the very best way to look after the battery,dare say different ones need treating differently, i did read a thread about possibility of explodeing while chargeing, i have always charged mine in the house and also never left them outside in the cold to keep them warm at night as know what i would be like if left out all night..haha...even my powabyke one i take off, and that is dedication as they are a horrible weight to be lifting in and out,and of course any othet tips and tricks to get the best out of it will be very much appreciated.


Oct 25, 2006
The Li-ions suit your journey without a doubt Keith, and will give you about a half mile an hour extra speed, 17 mph plus off a fresh charge initially, though it wil drop back to 15 mph as the battery gets used. At 4.4 kilos, the Li-ions are 1.1 kilos lighter than the NiMh.

The question mark is with length of life. they may not last as long. However, the bike comes as standard with Li-ion now, and a swap to NiMh is apparently not possible at the moment since they are not available at present.

Check that with 50cycles though.

P.S. Gaynor's Quando operates in an area with some very steep hills, rather different from your territory.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
thanks very much for that advice, my battery on synergy is a phylion battery, as thats a lion type i have read different story's on chatgeing, what is best system, i know that i have to charge every time no mattery how little it is used, but also have read that at times people have said they give it a total discharge from time to time to condition it, is this the case ?....is this the case with the quando battery as thats also a lion one too,....i look after the battery the best i can, if it was improved by putting in my bed with electric blanket on too i would if it improved it...:D after battery info, panniers ?..do you mind saying where you got them big ones from or have you specially adapted your rack too.


Oct 25, 2006
No, you should never fully discharge a Li-ion deliberately Keith, only NiMh need that at all.

The panniers fit over any standard rack, and they come from The Dutch Bike Company, Cambridge. Mine cost £25.

They seem to come in different types, so use the Contact page link there and ring them to describe the ones you want.