types of crank drive motors


Dec 5, 2006
does anybody know which kind of motor is this one

it is used by an italian factory called microbike - which produces quite simple but powerful pedelecs

it has a different behaviour from what I'm used to know about crank motors: it can have non-legal versions till 700W - 2KW as well as it can go without any pedalling, but does not start immediatly and its integration with the gears (sorry for my horrible technical language) is far more brutal than the one of the panasonic... I wonder if it is a "real" crank drive motor...

edit: please excuse me for the size of the images... the look far smaller on their page


Nov 4, 2006
Wow, nice find. On their site they have a category called 'kit'. but how could you fit it to a normal bike? The other things thats puzzeling is would a normal derailer take 750 watts let alone 2 KW :confused:


Dec 5, 2006
They fit the kit in their factory in Rome, it's also quite cheap: 600 euros, but with SLA batteries 24V-14ah. They are not bad pedelecs for our national standard, a bit "brute" and with short range, but light and powerful and also not bad if you want just pedal without assistance.

What puzzels you is one of the things that puzzels me... that's the reason of my question, in case this system is well known outside Italy with a different brand.


Oct 25, 2006
Unusual Leonardo, it looks like an infinitely variable drive, the photo isn't clear enough, but I'd guess there may be a rubber friction idler between the straight sided drum and the one with the concave surface. The pedal crank chainwheel has a freewheel incorporated to allow for a mixed drive like that. As Baboonking says, difficult to see how a bike could cope with that much power, and of course it's a very heavy unit. If it has a friction variable drive, it wouldn't be much good in our wetter climate, but having said that, I can't see any space for a friction idler.
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Dec 5, 2006
Thanks Flecc. The fact that it looks unusual to you it is already an answer for me! The legal 250W version shouldn't be very heavy because without batteries their pedelecs weight around 16.5-18 kgms. - but I don't know anything about the more powerful versions... The legal one is quite good tested in urban use, but it has the odd behaviour that I described above (odd for me, used to the panasonic unit).

By the way, we opened a new "international section" in our Italian forum, thinking that it could be useful let informations circulate at least among the European users... I was quite proud of that idea... But we opened it a couple of weeks ago and it is empy! Anyway it is open, and your visit would always be very appreciated!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 16, 2007
i don't know how good your sense of humour is with British jokes,;) but the way an Englishman converses in a foreign language is HE SHOUTS VERY LOUDLY:eek: thinking this will make him understood by every one.
so if we post on your forum WILL SHOUTING WORK.:eek:



Dec 5, 2006
I like very much British humour - and your joke as well!

Really, I don't know if it can work, its just a trial: let everyone speak in his own language, in the simplest way he can, and then translate or summarize in the other language when it is necessary... Probably it will not work... But I did learn a lot from this forum and also from the French one, and I think that some kind of information sharing would be precious... At the moment I just do some link crossing between the different forums, but may be that with time someone will have a better idea :)

In the meantime, all of you are wellcome to come and shout on our forum!
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Oct 25, 2006
Thanks Leonardo, I'll save the link address and if something crops up I'll post there. :)


Dec 5, 2006
You are really very kind!

More or less the translator works. One has to pay attention to write in a simple way though, otherways the results can be very funny. A good idea could be posting both in the original language and in the machine-translated one. Some of our members can read English, so that the funny results can be corrected. (By the way, I'm not sure I'm not writing in a funny way sometimes on your forum!)

Anyway my thread about that strange crank motor wasn't aimed to be a "spot" for my forum. It was just a pleasure for me to tell you about our idea.

Thanks everybody for your kindness.


Dec 5, 2006
Thank you Grandad.

Last time that the British invaded Italy it was quite a lucky day for us... Now things are not so bad, but it is a pleasure too!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 18, 2007
Manchester U.K.
ciao bene!

Italiano (babelfish!):
Leonardo said:
In l'intervallo, tutti voi è benvenuto venire e gridare sul nostro forum!
Ciao Leonardo! Quello era molto molto divertente! :D ma io proverà a non GRIDARE ;)

Apprezzo i vostri alberini qui molto e particolarmente il vostro lavoro verso una circolazione internazionale di le informazioni:) Accetto l'invito gentile alla vostra tribuna e spero di contribuire a questo sforzo: Sono curioso per conoscere diversità delle domande e delle idee circa le bici elettriche universalmente! :) così forse che chieda notizie su questo sulla vostra tribuna internazionale. Avete uno scrutinio di "cui fate della bici elettrica possedete?" o uno scrutinio dell'età del cyclist su jobike.it? Quello sarebbe interessare da vedere :)

avete uno scrutinio di cui fate della bici elettrica possedete

Molto sono interessato quanta esperienza nelle bici di ezee avete in Italia e come le loro prestazioni confrontano ad altre bici disponibili a voi, ma forse dovrei chiedere questo sulla vostra tribuna: -)

Leonardo said:
In the meantime, all of you are wellcome to come and shout on our forum!
Hello Leonardo! That was very very funny! :D but I will TRY not to SHOUT ;)

I appreciate your posts here very much, and especially your work towards an international circulation of information :) I accept the kind invitation to your forum, and I hope to contribute to this effort: I am curious to know the diversity of questions and ideas about electric bikes worldwide! :) so maybe I will ask about this on your international forum.

Do you have a poll of "which make of electric bike do you own?" or a poll of cyclist age on jobike.it? That would be interesting to see :)

I'm very interested how much experience of ezee bikes you have in Italy and how their performance compares to other bikes available to you, but perhaps I should ask this on your forum :)


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Dec 5, 2006
Thank you Stuart. I’ll propose on jobike the polls that you suggest. It’s true, they are interesting. And I hope to see you on our forum. About the eZee: I’m very interested in them (thinking to buy a Forza or a Forte), but we have no experience of them till now, since it seems that the distributor is still evaluating what to do.

About funny things: in a reverse translation your kind post translated by Babel fish (“Apprezzo i vostri alberini qui molto”) would sound like “I appreciate much here your little trees…”!

I’m sure that if you come you will at least amuse yourself very much with our machine translation!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 18, 2007
Manchester U.K.
leonardo said:
About funny things: in a reverse translation your kind post translated by Babel fish (“Apprezzo i vostri alberini qui molto”) would sound like “I appreciate much here your little trees…”!
babelfish Italiano:
:p tipico, potrei indovinare: Ho scritto soltanto 3 parole in italiano prima di causare il divertimento non intenzionale! Godo finchè gli errori divertenti, il resto è capito:) ciò sarà un'esercitazione molto buona per iscritto chiaramente.
Penso che lo scrutinio di "che la bici elettrica voi possiede" è una misura utile di uso elettrico attuale della bici e di buon punto di partenza per lo scambio di informazioni :)
Spero che otteniate provare le bici di ezee presto e sarò molto interessato sentire i vostri pareri.

English: :p typical, I might have guessed: I wrote only 3 words in Italian before causing unintended amusement! I enjoy the funny mistakes, as long as the rest is understood :) this will be a very good exercise in writing clearly.

I think the poll of "which electric bike do you own" is a useful measure of existing electric bike usage and a good starting point for information exchange :)

I hope you get to try the ezee bikes soon, and I'll be very interested to hear your opinions.
