Torque Power Meter


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 12, 2007
Calif SF Bay Area Pennisula
I took my new Torque out today, on it's third charge and after 12 miles pedalling the entire time. The meter went to the yellow and with a lot of additional pedalling it went back to green. Lithuim Battery I did mange to get
about 23 miles out of todays run before it hit the red. Being located in the
states my bike does not have Pedelec mode just throttle. During the 12 miles my top speed was just over 17 mph, with a weight of just under 200lbs.

Is this normal for the torque with just throttle control? And the power meter
as their is no explanation in the little book that came with the bike. Is yellow
the warning that your half way out of power or is it a warning to ease back
and pedal more?

Appreciate any knowledge thanks


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 1, 2007
Leicester LE4, UK.
Hi Steven, the battery gauge is not a particularly accurate measure of battery charge, it simply measures the battery voltage. The voltage will drop everytime the throttle is opened thus causing the indicator to turn yellow or red, but if the battery is OK it should return to green with the throttle closed. When it stays on yellow the battery is almost exhausted.

The behaviour of the battery gauge is normal with e-bikes and stems from the fact that although the voltage is only a rough guide to the charge state, it is in fact the only battery parameter that can be easily measured.

23 miles on a US version Torq seems a good performance, I do rather better on my UK torq with it's restricted speed but users who use theirs unrestricted report about 15-20 miles range although obviously it's very dependent on terrain and rider input.


Oct 25, 2006
Yes, I'd regard 23 miles as a good range. On my Torq in a hilly area I only get around 15 miles, but some of the fittest riders in fairly flat areas can get to 30 miles with careful throttle management. If you find the throttle difficult to regulate accurately, you can modify it like this.

I agree with Ian on the battery meter. In truth what it tells you only makes some sense when you have the throttle completely closed. The moment you open the throttle it's measuring the voltage drop due to the current drain into the motor, a very different thing from what's left in the battery.