Its 115 db and scares the crap out of anything you use it on. I only use the bell when passing the elderly as I dont want a connery on my hands

. If you are going to commute on busy roads and rip along at around 20mph you will need something better than a bell and this is perfect. you lift the red trigger up and put air in through a normal shrader valve with your pump.
Didnt notice the trailer in the background. I only picked it up last week. £38 on ebay from a guy round the corner. my daughter was very wary at first so i've put in the garden for her to get used to the idea. she uses it as a wendy house on wheels. am going to hook it up on Sat. its a tight fit on the torq with this model and there is not much clearance between the tyre and the front bar of the trailer. might be a tad better when I put the marathon on the back.