Before I post the above bike on e-bay I wondered if any forum member would be interested in purchasing.
The bike is less than a month old and has probably not done 20 miles.
The only slight problem that I am experiencing is the derailleur does not seem to be set
up correctly in as much as some times it seems to "clunk" when changing gear.
Price wise I am looking in the order of £850, ie saving the VAT on the new price!
Please PM me if any more information is required.
The bike is less than a month old and has probably not done 20 miles.
The only slight problem that I am experiencing is the derailleur does not seem to be set
up correctly in as much as some times it seems to "clunk" when changing gear.
Price wise I am looking in the order of £850, ie saving the VAT on the new price!
Please PM me if any more information is required.