Anything that puts mass into the wheels will compromise the suspension. That's why competition MTBs and most cars use mid-motorsThese powerful in-wheel motors could spawn the next generation of affordable high-performance EVs
"Donut Lab wasn’t the only in-wheel motor pioneers on display at CES this year, as Slovenian firm Elaphe Propulsion Technologies also showcased its ultra-thin Sonic 1 hardware that’s capable of developing 268hp, while allowing enough space inside a 21-inch wheel for standard high-performance disc brakes."
"Despite those lengthy time frames, the race is on to be the first to introduce in-wheel motors to the buying public. BMW announced last year that it was working with Munich-based electric motor engineers DeepDrive to develop in-wheel motor technology that could be scaled to a point where it makes financial sense for mass-produced EVs.
Similarly, serial innovator Hyundai Motor Group has been working on and refining its ‘Uni Wheel’ technology since 2023."