Following the heated (ho) discussion on winter cycling (Brr its getting cold) and also how to measure gradients on hills..(just how steep is that hill)
I can just see me now.. in my reflective thermal body suit, thinsulate gloves, swimming googles, full face ski mask with a hole in the back for my pony tail, and a thick woolly sock wrapped round the nether regions of the battery on my bike ( maybe a custom-made mini ski suit and goggles would be more appropriate), loitering with intent in the middle of the road,on a steep hill brandishing a metre long pole and a spirit level, attempting to measure the gradient before the police come.
I can just see me now.. in my reflective thermal body suit, thinsulate gloves, swimming googles, full face ski mask with a hole in the back for my pony tail, and a thick woolly sock wrapped round the nether regions of the battery on my bike ( maybe a custom-made mini ski suit and goggles would be more appropriate), loitering with intent in the middle of the road,on a steep hill brandishing a metre long pole and a spirit level, attempting to measure the gradient before the police come.