Reassuring but there also seems to be a problem with the locating pins which seem a little flimsy. Think this may account for the number of Ego's selling at a discount and listed as New but missing packaging. The Hoppers do not seem to have suffered the same problem perhaps a better PDI to see locating lock and pins are lined up. But as you know d8veh my mechanical / electrical skills are at best rudimentary
Yes I broke the plastic bracket holding the locating pins about 2 months after purchase. It is fragile because the screw hole between the pins, holding it to the frame leaves very little plastic to the edges.
I just glued it together, and to the frame with hot melt glue, and that was 14 months ago and it is still holding.
I am now more careful attaching the battery. I slide it in the guides and lightly push it up until the pins are just inside the battery and then push them more firmly home.
I would be more tempted for the model with gears/mudguards/rack, as I have bought these over the year and has probably worked out a bit more expensive.