Hi Im wanting an ebike but live in hilly sheffield. The usual fears im afraid. New technology and constant change/better tech etc. Have arthritis so could do with help up hills and worried about running out of energy and power with a heavy bike etc. Im a biker(motorbikes) and so have reservations of going slow! Tried a few at the NEC recently. One was cool- actually went about 25mph woo! but not bad for a pushbike! It looked like a m bike a bit too. cant rem. what it was tho- the girls on the stand looked hot tho!!lol
Fancy a DIY (im quite good at it) and have £900 from my last bike sell. Reluctant to part with the cash but a really good set up - that i could sample first on hills might persuade me. Can you help/persuade me to go for it? Cheers. Chip
Fancy a DIY (im quite good at it) and have £900 from my last bike sell. Reluctant to part with the cash but a really good set up - that i could sample first on hills might persuade me. Can you help/persuade me to go for it? Cheers. Chip