TDP and the Jurassic Test


Nov 27, 2007
Picasa Web Albums - WaiWon - Tour De Prest...

Tour de Presteigne was originally intended and still is I believe to be a fun event to promote electric bikes and sustainable transport. But nevertheless 50cycles went for it as a highly aggressive campaign to sell their Kalkhoff bikes, because the publicity from the ‘Wins’ on the eZee Torq in 2006 and 2007 had helped sales.

So this year with obvious objectives they were all out to get the “CUP”, and employed very strong men if not professional riders for the event. Sure, we all wish to win but not by every means to justify the end.

I just want to put the facts on the table, Tom Gilfedder on the Kalkhoff Pro-Connect got very little electric assist or power, the reality is he used less than 20%, crossing the finishing line grasping for breath and soaked with perspiration. This is proven by 50cycles own admission in their website and I quote “ … Tom’s bike still have 4 out of 5 LEDs lit on the battery power level indicator after an hr of racing.” Tom would probably come in before Ian Johnson if he would have used a regular road bike instead of the Kalkhoff Pro-Connect with that extra weight of the electric drive system and the resistant it is generating when not running on electric power. Lance Armstrong would definitely come in first on the Pro-Connect with all the 5 LEDs still lit on the battery at the end of it but would there be any meaning to it?

Peter Henshaw came in second in 2007 on the eZee Forza with maybe 23 laps, this year on the “TOP SPEC” Kalhoff Tasman he managed only 16. And quote “Dan McLay, an upcoming track cycling star” finished with 18 laps on the Pro-connect. Ms R. Francis finished with 18 laps on the eZee folding 20” wheel regular road legal model, and obviously the following claim on 50cycle’s website needs correction too “Emma took to the streets of Presteigne on an extra-small Kalkhoff Pro Connect step-thru electric bike (finishing the race as the first female)”. Ms Emma Mitchenen finished with 16 laps.

I salute D.Delaney the oldest participant who finished with 16 laps on the eZee Torq, and all those would participated in the right spirit.

There was a test race in Switzerland called the Jurassic Test , 50 km with 17 km uphill with some stretches 18%, and this happened just a day before the Tour de Presteigne on 16th June 2008. An eZee Torq II with the US edition participated against some 500w state of the art Swiss Dolphin , was first to past the finishing line with about a 2 km lead ahead. The Panasonic system at their best as Biketec Swiss Flyer and the same Kalkhoff was far behind. For anyone interested Centre professionnel du Nord vaudois - Accueil