PS - Crossed posting with NealH - sorry
@Alex76 - so how handy are you with tools?
You're between a rock and a hard place in that without doing some investigation of your own, you can't be sure that just following Swytch's advice will solve the problem in that it might be that the motor is faulty and not only that, the motor might have caused the controller to fail (the electronics in the Gen 2 battery pack).
Basics first though as Saneagle suggests:
> check that the motor cable is correctly pushing in all the way (and if you've had it unplugged before, make sure non of the pins are bent
> Is the cable is damaged where it comes out of the axle or anywhere else.
> see if there's any indication of water ingress into the where the previous owner had the cable exit pointing upwards instead of downwards.
The battery may also be kaput or at least weakened if it was left unattended for a year (this happened to a friend's Gen 3 battery - it died completely) but from what you say about 'all red lights glowing' you may have got away with it (as did the same friend whose wife's Gen 3 battery had also been left unattended but still works).
I'm wondering if the controller inside the battery pack is the problem and Swytch in an attempt to keep it simple for the customer have deliberately left out the term 'controller' and just said a new battery is needed (which of course contains the controller) - just a thought.
If you're handy with tools and it were me, I'd not invest any more money with Swytch. The first thing I'd do is establish if the motor is OK (lots of YT vids and posts on here on how to check out the 3 motor windings and the 3 hall sensors).
If the motor is OK then by buying a widely available KT Controller and a standard 36v battery, you can put something together that will be inherantly better than the original Swytch kit and certainly more cost effective if future repairs are needed.
All that's a big ask if no particular DIY skills of course.