Suggestions for a set of panniers


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 28, 2016
Looking at getting a pair of panniers for general use, shopping etc. don't need to be 100% waterproof. Some seem too cheap to be any good, but it's not something I have ever bought, so havn't a clue what I'm looking at.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
I'm going to get a pair of larger Ortlieb to carry shopping and personal stuff. They will be white because black ones can get very hot inside. The small ones are destined to carry my bike stuff. Rack will be a Wingee like KTM does now so 8 kg per side.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
If you are after quick release and cheap these ( link below ) are just the ticket <£15 for the pair ,10 secs to put on and less to remove.
They have a carry handle and a detachable shoulder strap, Also ext zip pocket. The QR fitting slides along the top and bottom bar for attaching to a rack and the top fitting has 3 different size inserts to suit different thickness rack tubing. My rack tubing is 10mm dia.
Carries two good bags of shopping, I use a meter long triple bungy type cord secured side to side and over the pannier tops as the Velcro isn't brilliant when panniers are full.
Have had them a year or so and they have stayed in good condition, material is robust and quality for <£15 is excellent.
They are a no faff fitting and ideal if you don't want a permanent fitting. Inside there are stiffeners to help keep the shape.
I use mine weekly for a £20 - £30 top up shopping and also stuff beekeeping equipment in them to inspect my bee colonies locally , so I find them very handy and so far means I don't need to tow a trailer .

Size 37cm long x 32cm high x 16cm wide. Inside measurements about 1cm less, though width wise has good bulge characteristics.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2015
Blimey Nealh those panniers are a good find at that price!

I do use Ortleibs and have found them really tough and long lasting and also easy to take off and put back on as well as capable to overfill without issue.

As well as shopping etc I use mine to carry stuff to work on my commute including clothing and their complete waterproof ness means any clothing being carried remains bone dry.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
I didn't think they would last log or even stay on the bike when left to go in store shopping, on both accounts I have been proven wrong. Though 20/30 mins is max I leave my bike in one place.
There not ideal type for touring or for getting drenched but for errands etc and maybe for work. I doubt there are any better ones at that price.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
My apologies yes for one but still a very good price fir the pair.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 22, 2012
south east Essex
As ever ,it's what your prepared to pay, I bought some inexpensive throw over panniers from a company called Basil, they are Dutch, and seemed to be used a lot by the Dutch, look on Amazon .
They are fiddly to fit, but I bought them primarily for shopping to fit to the 'service' bike ( I have a garage full of bikes),big enough to slip a shopping bag of groceries into,for a single person .
But for all round general use , holidaying, camping sort of use the quality roll top panniers like Orterlieb and Vaude can't be beat and worth the investment.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 28, 2016
Yes, I'd spotted the Basil Mara panniers and thought they may be suitable for my use. Read they were a bit fiddly to fit, but they won't be coming off the bike once their on and it might help stop them disappearing. I am only looking for something to put on my runaround bike, as I too somehow seem to have amassed a bike for every occasion:D


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
As I am about to become a commuter (very short but too far to walk) again and seeing that the nice people I last bought my Ortlieb panniers from sent me a 10% voucher this morning I just bought a pair of white Back Roller City. White for the shopping - sun gets pretty hot around here. 40 litres is plenty for a whole week of wining and dining. Big enough for travelling on the trike.
