It certainly seems true, some of today's footballers are little short of crazy in the way they behave, and that Suarez action was an example. The roots of this go back a long way though, and the clampdown should have been then. I'm speaking of the way the Italian international teams of many decades ago used any concealed dirty trick they could get away with to gain advantage, giving rise to the "professional foul". And what a daft term that is, any foul in sport can never be professional. Add to that the increasingly silly money that footballers are paid and it's perhaps little wonder that some feel they are godlike in their invulnerability. Trouble is that extreme behaviour infects the game at all levels, even local amateur games suffering at times, and it spills over into serious civil crime offences.
Probably only much harsher penalties can cleanse the game now, whole season bans for example instead of the odd match bans currently dealt out.