Sram Sparc l.e.d. failure.


Sep 15, 2007
My bike powered by a Sram Sparc electric drive system has developed a minor fault. The handlebar mounted switch which turns the system on / off & selects mode has some indicator lights, a red one which shows when 'speed' mode has been selected & three green ones showing battery level.
The green battery indicators have stopped working completely, though the red one still works. The switch still does it's job & the lack of indicator lights is not a big problem since I know pretty much the state of the battery by watching the miles covered. Any suggestions for a way to coax the lights back to life would be appreciated. It does not seem worth replacing the whole switch assembly but is irritating when life's gadgetry starts the decline towards decrepitude. Hopefully, Alex.

gary Gadget

Apr 24, 2008
Hi Alex, I had a simular problem with a Wisper bike. The surround had lifted a bit on the throttle power indicator panel and the power LED had stopped working as well as the throttle being a bit sticky. I took the throttle assembly apart and found that water had got inside and on the little circuit board (a bit green). I cleaned this up carefully and also cleaned the internals of the throttle. Then put it on my radiator for the night to dry it out, re- assembled using some damp start to seal the circuit board and all the LEDS worked again. This might work for you if it is a water ingress problem. I sealed mine up with a new glued panel I fabricated as the original was just a thin plastic strip that would not stick back down proprly. :(


May 27, 2008
sram leds

I have a sparc machine and when recently purchased the leds all went out, except the red one, as with yours. I did two things: checked that the control cable plugs were both securely fixed in at both ends as they do come out, and on my bike this sometimes happens to the one fitted to the control unit when I let the handlebars slip right round, and recharged the battery.
On refitting the battery all worked well. I hope these simple, and perhaps 'teach your grandmother to suck eggs' solutions work.


Sep 15, 2007

Thanks for those suggestions. I have checked the controller to hub cable, in fact I managed to destroy the soldered cable to pin connection thinking it might be loose (I had to buy a new cable). Tried a newly charged battery. Cannot see a way to open the controller to check for water ingress or faulty connection in socket, but will try again, hope I do not destroy it also.



Sep 15, 2007

Thanks for those suggestions. I have checked the controller to hub cable, in fact I managed to destroy the soldered cable to pin connection thinking it might be loose (I had to buy a new cable). Tried a newly charged battery. Cannot see a way to open the controller to check for water ingress or faulty connection in socket, but will try again, hope I do not destroy it also.
