Looking out of the window today makes me wish I had a winter bike with studded tyres. It snowed on Boxing Day and the ice and snow are still here.
The local authorities have been boasting of the amount of grit they have in stock, but like me, must have put it in a safe place never to be seen again as no roads have yet been gritted.
We have a couple of hours of just above freezing per day that just puts a nice smooth sheen on the roads, ideal for a winter bike. No good for cars though
Good job I am still recovering from some viral infection or I would be well miffed. I only need 28 miles to get my Delite to 5000 miles in just under a year. I had hoped to get more miles on it than I do in the car, perhaps next year.
I would have had I not bought the Birdy, but that bike is so great to get out to the old rail trails we have in abundance in these parts and is very nice to ride a non powered bike casually in the summer where it is relatively flat, enjoying the scenery and the like.
Would yet another bike just for the bad winter days be an extravagance? Looking out today, the sun shining, no wind just the even covering of the frozen snow, few people out it might be worth the wrath of 'She who Commands'.
The local authorities have been boasting of the amount of grit they have in stock, but like me, must have put it in a safe place never to be seen again as no roads have yet been gritted.
We have a couple of hours of just above freezing per day that just puts a nice smooth sheen on the roads, ideal for a winter bike. No good for cars though
Good job I am still recovering from some viral infection or I would be well miffed. I only need 28 miles to get my Delite to 5000 miles in just under a year. I had hoped to get more miles on it than I do in the car, perhaps next year.
I would have had I not bought the Birdy, but that bike is so great to get out to the old rail trails we have in abundance in these parts and is very nice to ride a non powered bike casually in the summer where it is relatively flat, enjoying the scenery and the like.
Would yet another bike just for the bad winter days be an extravagance? Looking out today, the sun shining, no wind just the even covering of the frozen snow, few people out it might be worth the wrath of 'She who Commands'.
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