Possibly file under wacky.
I don't know what the largest RC model airplane brushless motor is, but I suppose those guys have been working for years to get them as light and powerful as possible.
So, I hook one to a series of solar cells (99 days out of hundred here are sunny), put an appropriate propeller on it, and afix it in some way to my panier, blowing air thrust-wise backwards.
At stoplights, I tilt it up to blow air on me for cooling, as it won't be any good spinning while I'm stopped. By gosh, if I need to, I can use it to intimidate cyclist who might want to swerve too close or cut me off)
I don't know what the largest RC model airplane brushless motor is, but I suppose those guys have been working for years to get them as light and powerful as possible.
So, I hook one to a series of solar cells (99 days out of hundred here are sunny), put an appropriate propeller on it, and afix it in some way to my panier, blowing air thrust-wise backwards.
At stoplights, I tilt it up to blow air on me for cooling, as it won't be any good spinning while I'm stopped. By gosh, if I need to, I can use it to intimidate cyclist who might want to swerve too close or cut me off)