i bought a cheap pedelec in germany and was not happy with it there was a customer service with it they visited me and changed me the battery and the controller for free but it didnt help. so at the end i gave back the bike and lost some money on it but it was okay as now i have at home:
- 1 battery pack 36 v (3 x 12 v batteries in a pack) + charger for it
- 1 controller
as i dont know yet what is the best pedelec for me or as i hesitate to invest too big money i have following option:
- i can buy the motor for 140 euros. it is the perice the company tell me they would sell it to me
- so with only 140 euros i will have at home:
- 1 motor
- 1 controller for it
- 1 led battery for it
then i have to invest for:
- brakes
- throller
- put the motor in a wheel
- find adequate bike for it
- get a hall sensor
- put all together
it will be a lot of work but i am interested in and so i will learn more about electrical motors for pedelecsa and be able to have some assistance
- of course the question is:
- either i put 140 euros on it and start working
- or forget the whole thing, sell some day the battery with charger and forget about the controller and the 140 euros will be part of the pedelec i will buy some day
well now my questions would be:
1- did i forget something in my thoughts? will i get started with a motor for 140 euros or is something i didnt think about?
2. on the controller is written :
typical voltage: 36v maxi current: 14A
typical current:7 A under voltage: 31,5v
as you told me, maxi current of 14 A means motor is not so powerful
-what means typical current: 7A and "under voltage 31,5v"? 7 A is the "nominal" current? i mean where the "power ratio outpiu/input is maximal? and "under voltage?" it means under 31,5 v the controller stops? or it means typical current is 7 a when under 31,5 v, i means when applying 31,5 v?
3.this motor is sold in a bike with wheels 26 inches. if i put it in a bike 28 inches it is possible but less power? (okay i will not get crazy i will first start putting it in a bike with 26 inches and if all go good i can experimentate later with 28 inches)
4 at the end of the day, supposing i have been able for a small money and long time and learning process to put this parts together i will have a bike 26 inches wheels with led battery 36v and it will be heavy (let say 38 kilos as was the original bike or more) and i will have enough gears to assist it. but then the point with motor in the wheel is:
- when i dont use the motor or when the battery is empty i drive with a heavy bike (on hills important) and the resistance on the motor is always there in the wheel(?)
well the risk is to end with a motor of poor quality (but i think if i care about and know more about it i can controll what happens i mean if i dont overload it as maybe i have done with the bike i bought initially it was more designed for cheap and people not biking strongly and with too much load (i used it to drive a "small car for shopping" and maybe it was overload(?))
the other options are:
1. s flyer (3500 euros) + pay tax
2. kalkhoff agattu (2200 euros) or raleigh
3. a kit but here i start too with 400 euros
4.etc etc, think again, ... get in touch with pedelecs.co.uk etc etc
- 1 battery pack 36 v (3 x 12 v batteries in a pack) + charger for it
- 1 controller
as i dont know yet what is the best pedelec for me or as i hesitate to invest too big money i have following option:
- i can buy the motor for 140 euros. it is the perice the company tell me they would sell it to me
- so with only 140 euros i will have at home:
- 1 motor
- 1 controller for it
- 1 led battery for it
then i have to invest for:
- brakes
- throller
- put the motor in a wheel
- find adequate bike for it
- get a hall sensor
- put all together
it will be a lot of work but i am interested in and so i will learn more about electrical motors for pedelecsa and be able to have some assistance
- of course the question is:
- either i put 140 euros on it and start working
- or forget the whole thing, sell some day the battery with charger and forget about the controller and the 140 euros will be part of the pedelec i will buy some day
well now my questions would be:
1- did i forget something in my thoughts? will i get started with a motor for 140 euros or is something i didnt think about?
2. on the controller is written :
typical voltage: 36v maxi current: 14A
typical current:7 A under voltage: 31,5v
as you told me, maxi current of 14 A means motor is not so powerful
-what means typical current: 7A and "under voltage 31,5v"? 7 A is the "nominal" current? i mean where the "power ratio outpiu/input is maximal? and "under voltage?" it means under 31,5 v the controller stops? or it means typical current is 7 a when under 31,5 v, i means when applying 31,5 v?
3.this motor is sold in a bike with wheels 26 inches. if i put it in a bike 28 inches it is possible but less power? (okay i will not get crazy i will first start putting it in a bike with 26 inches and if all go good i can experimentate later with 28 inches)
4 at the end of the day, supposing i have been able for a small money and long time and learning process to put this parts together i will have a bike 26 inches wheels with led battery 36v and it will be heavy (let say 38 kilos as was the original bike or more) and i will have enough gears to assist it. but then the point with motor in the wheel is:
- when i dont use the motor or when the battery is empty i drive with a heavy bike (on hills important) and the resistance on the motor is always there in the wheel(?)
well the risk is to end with a motor of poor quality (but i think if i care about and know more about it i can controll what happens i mean if i dont overload it as maybe i have done with the bike i bought initially it was more designed for cheap and people not biking strongly and with too much load (i used it to drive a "small car for shopping" and maybe it was overload(?))
the other options are:
1. s flyer (3500 euros) + pay tax
2. kalkhoff agattu (2200 euros) or raleigh
3. a kit but here i start too with 400 euros
4.etc etc, think again, ... get in touch with pedelecs.co.uk etc etc