Shall I buy a Motorbike? or 2 ebikes? 3 ebikes?


Just Joined
Sep 13, 2009
Hi guys and girls,

Sorry for the essay but I hope someone will feel sorry for me and help me out!

I am just getting back in to the cycling world after a break of a couple of years. The reason for this break was my car which relegated my bike to the back of the garage (along with my fitness, motivation, slender waistline, spare cash and social conscience).

A few months ago my parked car was hit by a drunk driver in a stolen car along with four others on the street. Two of the damaged cars had fully comp insurance and are happily driving around in new cars. Two were third party only and their insurance companies have washed their hands of the incident and its now down to our solicitors to deal with. Can you guess what type of insurance I have :D

Because the police are still investigating quite a complex case my solicitors will not take the matter to court. I have been informed that forensic evidence of the airbag on the stolen car may take another 6 weeks, then the court case, then the claim...........:mad:

OK, anger vented :D

I have been to work on my lovely touring bike a few times on cool mornings but still end up sweating and useless, when I eventually get there... I cant imagine how bad it will be when it rains and I have to put the waterproofs on.

My solution to this was to start hitting the Pennines on the 20 odd mile circular route that I used to do for fun on the weekend too get my fitness levels back up (I was still doing the route in the car)! But I can't face it!

Shall I accept that my best days are behind me as we all should at some point in our lives?

I only travel 4.5 miles to work but I would really like to get back to weekend cycling as well.

And I loathe having to pay insurance premiums again.:mad:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 18, 2008
I lost the plot a bit on this one. Sorry to hear about the car and I hope you get it sorted out eventually. 4.5 miles to work is only a tad more than I do. A lightweight e-bike like mine would do that journey easily. If it's fitness you're after I'd go for the e-bike and one you can put some effort into like a Cytronex or E-motion or Kalkoff. Get fit, choose how much you want to sweat, ditch the e-bike on ebay and get a regular one. It's a well trod path:D


May 13, 2009
definatly go the ebike route. you're only 4.5 miles from work, that will be so easy on an ebike. don't spend loads of money on the bike but make sure you get at least 180watt-hours of battery capacity. this will comfortable get you to work and back without charging. i would sugest a brushed motor is best for you. then if you want to upgrade the speed it is easy -just get a 500W controller off ebay for £20. get a watts up meter too as they are only £30 and are handy for somany things.

if you get a motorbike you will start with zero no-claims bonus because it doesn't transfer over from a car. the insurance will end up costing you more than the whole ebike. then you have to park it, fuel it, tax it, maintain it. its not worth it unless your 10 miles from work.

+ you will love the ebike too


Oct 25, 2006
Yes, an e-bike will certainly do the job, but you could also get some similar benefits while satisfying your environmental conscience by going the motorcycle type route very cheaply with equally cheap insurance and free road tax. And your car driving licence qualifies you if you obtained it before February 2001.

For only £689.99 right here. :)
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 18, 2008
One question what's with the "Shall I buy a Motorbike? or 2 ebikes? 3 ebikes? ?


Oct 25, 2006
Yes, they are getting amazingly cheap now and throw into question the e-bike option for all but those who want to pedal for exercise.


Just Joined
Jul 8, 2009
Maybe the question should have been "shall I buy an e-bike or two motorbikes"


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 9, 2007

Sorry about the car. But, as others have said, 4.5 miles each way is ideal for an e-bike. A good e-bike is also very enjoyable to ride.

What you didn't say, or I missed it, is what sort of route it is and what the hills are. It sounds like it might not be a flat jaunt through deserted country roads with billiard smooth surfaces.

Tell us more about the route, particularly the max gradient, and we can help you refine your choice.



Jul 7, 2008
I was reading at the weekend in one of the motoring bits of a paper regards trike scooters. the paggio? I think did a model wih a wider track which can be driven on a car licence. and some convert the narrower track (cheaper) versions so that they can be driven on a car licence as well. (These are two front wheel trikes)

there was also mention of a electric trike scooter but I cant find it now:rolleyes:


Just Joined
Sep 13, 2009
Thanks for the replies all great stuff

I have just read back the original post and realise it does not make much sense! I will try not to post again after a few of pints! :eek:

I think I was trying to ask if I needed 2 Ebikes. One to get me 4.5 miles to work with no sweat and one to do a 20ish mile long route at weekends on extreme hills or if there is a Bike that could do both well.

Thanks again.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 16, 2008
Thanks for the replies all great stuff
I think I was trying to ask if I needed 2 Ebikes. One to get me 4.5 miles to work with no sweat and one to do a 20ish mile long route at weekends on extreme hills or if there is a Bike that could do both well.
the Wisper 905 sounds like a good candidate for that. you might have to pedal a bit more on the hills, but this same bike is issued to the Police in Wales and they have plenty of such terrain to deal with..

I got the impression from your first post you wanted a bit of exercise still - and if your username contains your year of birth you are deifnitely not "past your best" as you are 4 years my junior :D


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 2, 2009
At age 32/33? your cycling days are far from over. I really would question your need for a motor given the short distance you commute, it will surprise you how quickly your fitness will improve if you ride eveyday.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 16, 2008
At age 32/33? your cycling days are far from over. I really would question your need for a motor given the short distance you commute, it will surprise you how quickly your fitness will improve if you ride eveyday.
I have never owned a car and am in a reasonable state of fitness - cycling 7 miles each way to work as well as long leisure rides and initially was sceptical of e-bikes...

but there are still advantages to them. For commuting they get you to work quicker and less disshevelled (if there aren't any showers or there is a dress code etc)...

as for exercise, we all have the best intentions but its equally easy to get into the habit of sitting on your behind in front of the PC or the idiot-box and drinking beer instead! For longer rides they actually turn what may seem like a chore into a pleasure and may well make you more likely to do the long ride than site around...

I actually cycle more since I got the ebike than on my unpowered one, including exploring places, taking the longer route back etc which I wouldn't be as inclined to do after a hard days/weeks work on a normal pushbike..


Just Joined
Sep 13, 2009
Thanks guys

I am only 33 but have had a couple of years sat in front of the TV and my fitness is shocking. Just rode a couple of miles this morning and it took me 20mins to recover. I am a smoker as well as tubby!

I do want some exercise at weekend and on my return journey from work. Looking at the wisper the range seems amazing 56 miles (90km) and if the police in Wales use them it could be just what I need for longer weekend rides in the hills.

Thanks again


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 26, 2007
West Hampstead, NW London
Thanks guys

I am only 33 but have had a couple of years sat in front of the TV and my fitness is shocking. Just rode a couple of miles this morning and it took me 20mins to recover. I am a smoker as well as tubby!

I do want some exercise at weekend and on my return journey from work. Looking at the wisper the range seems amazing 56 miles (90km) and if the police in Wales use them it could be just what I need for longer weekend rides in the hills.

Thanks again
I'm 50 and still struggling with the fags and recovery times after 6 miles each way. Kalkhoffs are best at hills and good for range-but you need a bit of honesty. If the reality is that you'd like to be able to rely on the throttle then go with the Wisper, it seems the best built/supported alternative. If you're sure you can pedal alll the time go for an Agattu or ProConnect or Pro Connect S depending on budget.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 28, 2009
I'm 35, and now a very occasional smoker and less tubby than I was :) and ride a Wisper 905se sport to work every day (unless the bike is out of action) over a 10 mile round trip and the Wipser is amazing.

I can get to work in 20mins if I really push it but usually around 25-30mins all without getting into a state. Office has a dress code and no facilities to shower and change so ebike is great for increasing my average speed and making the journey so enjoyable that I now take the scenic route to and from work at nearly twice the original distance.

Up long steep hills the Wisper needs a decent amount of help but it still makes it a lot easier than on a regular bike.

The reported 50 odd miles are for a 75Kg rider on the flat. For me (just shy of 100Kg) and with a head winds and hills etc I would expect the Wisper to manage 30-35 miles.


Jul 7, 2008
I cover 8 miles most days for exercise/leisure. my tests last week (reported on wisper battery thread) on my 15 month old Wisper returned 35 miles, with still some miles in battery, as I did not fancy running it flat. I am 56 & 17 stone. I pedal all the time but still prefer the flexibility the throttle gives.......


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 26, 2009
An E-bike can certainly assist to get fit. If your current fitness levels are as low as you say, I would recommend the Wisper.

I started around 3 yrs ago on an Ezee, and have now progressed to a Cytronex. I still smoke and I'm pushing 50, but I can manage 60 miles either on the the Cytronex or unassisted these days, and I cycle 150+ leisure miles a week. I still use the Ezee as it is very different to the Cytronex. I do suspect that a throttled machine will suit you better initially.