Saddle Sore



I like most things about my Cytronex, but hate the Bontrager Race Lux saddle.
It may be fine for cycling purist/masochist, but it is possibly the most uncomfortable thing I have ever sat on
I have tried an old road bike Velo saddle I had lying around, but it is almost as bad.
What I would like is one, which is both comfortable and in keeping with this style of bike i.e. not a Big Bum type armchair.
I know Chris Bike has his beloved Brooks antique, which doesn't look out of place on the Cytronex, but is it really comfortable?

I also note that Mark is now offering to replace the Bontragers with a "Madison comfy saddle" as an optional extra, but does anyone have a personal recommendation?

J:) hn

P.S. If anyone wants the Bontrager, it's yours for free!


Oct 25, 2006
I happen to like the fairly slim but gel one that came on the Torq for some while, and have them fitted on both mine. Comfortable but sportring enough not to let down my T bike.

Amazon have a black version, discounted to £11.99 currently:

Velo Saddle

My one doesn't have the springs, but otherwise looks the same.


Oct 25, 2006
Got to be worth a try for £7 Fleccie, nice one.
Might do a tour of the local shops tomorrow see what I can find.

J:) hn
I tried all the shops for one for my Q bike (ex Quando which came with an armchair on the stem), but without success. Fortunately a member posted how she hated the Torq type saddle her early Quando had, wanting an armchair.

So the deal was done with parcels crossing over in the post. :cool:


May 20, 2008
I like most things about my Cytronex, but hate the Bontrager Race Lux saddle.
It may be fine for cycling purist/masochist, but it is possibly the most uncomfortable thing I have ever sat on
I have tried an old road bike Velo saddle I had lying around, but it is almost as bad.
What I would like is one, which is both comfortable and in keeping with this style of bike i.e. not a Big Bum type armchair.
I know Chris Bike has his beloved Brooks antique, which doesn't look out of place on the Cytronex, but is it really comfortable?

I also note that Mark is now offering to replace the Bontragers with a "Madison comfy saddle" as an optional extra, but does anyone have a personal recommendation?

J:) hn

P.S. If anyone wants the Bontrager, it's yours for free!
Antiques are available on Ebay from time to time, but try to buy a pre-softened one! C