Restricting an Alien Aurora


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 18, 2012
Hi All,

I've been fortunate enough to pick up an Aurora from one of our members and was wondering if there is a way to limit it to 15 mph? I've been using it on lowest pedelec mode and have never used the throttle. I know that there are lots of threads on de-restricting bikes but does anyone know if it's possible to restrict an Alien Aurora? Similarly, I was thinking of making it pedelec only by removing the throttle line to the switch and trying to do similar to the high mode setting as concession to the speed limit. Is this possible and is there anything to be careful about? I suspect that even doing this will never make it truly road legal but I would at least like to acknowledge that the limit exists.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 6, 2009
First off, why?

Second yes you can but you'll need a different controller to the standard item as its not programable...


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 18, 2012
Hi NRG - I know that the bike isn't road legal at the moment and I would prefer it to be. I just think I would be a lot more comfortable riding it if was. Does that not make sense?


May 2, 2012
Even if you restrict it to 15 mph it still isnt road legal with a 350 watt motor. ...just keep it in mode 2. .15mph.. Mode 3 when off road or up steep hills thanks

bike -alien aurora

Deleted member 4366

You can do it with a Speedict from Speedict Technology Ltd., but ut'll cost about £70.
The Speedict is a cycle computer that also gves all information regarding battery. It has various legal modes including speed limits pre-programmed into it and it it has other functions to do with throttle and pedal sensor. It's very simple to fit. It's very small and is wired directly between the controller and battery. It uses an Android phone as a display and programming interface. If you don't already have one, you can get a basic Android phone from Ebay or local Facebook ads for next to nothing.


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 18, 2012
Thanks everyone. I quite fancy the Speedict, looks as if it will do the job.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 6, 2009
A lot of money to to spend when you can simply leave the bike set to mode 2...again I ask why! My 'legal' Alien GSII has a 250w motor but does about 18~19mph with a lot of frantic pedal assistance, why would I want to change it? BTW you are allowed a 10% tolerance on the 25kph limit so up to 17mph....not 15 as you state....


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 18, 2012
NRG - you asked why? My feeling is that the bike isn't road legal and if I have any sort of accident that invites any police interest then I would be in trouble. Surely if I can prove the bike is restricted to 25kph then I am in a far better position to argue my case. And, it seems, the Speedict gives lots of other interesting data and I've read it's easy to move between bikes so I could use it on my other legal e-bike as well - I don't want to leave this one at the railway station every day. But you are right, seems very sensible to keep to mode 2 until I can summon the nerve to explain another £70.00 outlay.

Deleted member 4366

IMHO the Speedict is worth getting anyway. You can do so many things with it. In case you didn't realise, you can switch the governor/speed limit on/off remotely by bluetooth, which could be useful. i.e, you can ride it at full speed/power, but when your mates or anybody else try, it's limited - if you get what I mean.


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 18, 2012
Hi Dave - agreed, it seems extremely versatile and I noted that one of your threads gives good background. My intention is to get one within a couple of months and I may then be looking for more advice from you. Thanks for the advice and help.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 29, 2011
Jim mate that has got to be the most stupid question ever asked on this site. If you dont want to go that fast take your foot off the accelerator.


Oct 6, 2011
Even if you restrict it to 15 mph it still isnt road legal with a 350 watt motor. ...just keep it in mode 2. .15mph.. Mode 3 when off road or up steep hills thanks

bike -alien aurora
I agree.
In the event of an accident, the 350W motor will already null the "legal" status, so trying to prove anything with a separate "speed limiting" gadget will not legalise the bike any more than switching to medium mode on the power settings.

If you want to prevent tampering, just lock something over the power panel (fold some sheet aluminium around it and drill holes in the ends and slip a small padlock through it) so nobody can switch to hi power.

Deleted member 4366

The BH Emotion Neo has the same motor and is certified to comply with EN15194, and it gives at least as much power as the Aurora - if not more.


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 18, 2012
Jim mate that has got to be the most stupid question ever asked on this site. If you dont want to go that fast take your foot off the accelerator.
Thanks Hech - you could be right, I thought twice about asking but will now say no more!