Following advice from Flecc I emailed James at 50 cycles for further clarification. He replied very quickly with some very informative information which I think is worth sharing. Wondered also if anyone would liketo comment?The only thing I have any question with is the li-ion battery on any bike. These do not like sustained high loadings, and you have some wicked hills in the Bath area, both long and steep. The Forte throttle will have to be used judiciously, avoiding long periods on steep hills at full throttle, while making an adequate contribution through the pedals. The temptation to relax on pedalling and wind the throttle fully open for long periods is likely to cause the battery safety cut-out to operate, leaving you without power until you switch off and back on, then setting off much more carefully. If this really is a matter for concern, you could ask if it could be supplied with the NiMh battery and charger instead, this being available with some other eZee models. That type just delivers power without cutting out, but have slightly less capacity and need more attention to the way they are charged.
I have no experience with Powabyke's newly introduced Lithium battery, but it's likely these remarks apply to that as well, it being the technology that has the characteristics, not the manufacture.
"The majority of times this happens is with the torq due to the motor in
there being designed for the quando. We have had no reports of the new
fortes and forzas cutting out on hills due to the better gearing and the
smaller wheels and also a higher cut off point on the batteries for the last
two months. I understand from flecc that the nimhs do peform better on hills
than the lithium but have no experience myself of this, we are able to give
the option of both batteries if required, but if you do require nimh let us
know as soon as possible as we only have limited numbers coming over." 50cycles