Request for motor data for the Sprint 7


Mar 5, 2007
Leicestershire Le8
Does anyone have performance data for front hub motor fitted to the Sprint 7, or could you tell me where to find the data? I'm interested in peak power, at what speed it occurs, peak current etc. Ideally I would like to compare all this with the Quando.

I've bought a Sprint so that I can put a bit more effort into the pedalling. The last 8 months and 2000 miles on the Lithium Ion Quando have been beneficial for my dodgy knee, and now I'm ready to stretch my legs a little more.

I've just been for my first ride on the new bike and generally I'm quite pleased. It doesn't have the nippy feel of the Quando, and seems to tackle the locals hills just a little slower, but it has the upright riding position that I like, and feels really robust and stable. I seems to be just what I need for the coming winter conditions.

I did the first ride using the 8 month/2000 mile Lithium Ion battery from the Quando. It has started to show signs of age, spending more time on the amber indicator on the Quando, and now lighting the red LED much more often, particulalry on cold mornings. It has only cut out only once though, after about 1800 miles. I'm more careful on hills with it now. The Sprint doesn't have LEDs so it is not easy to compare. It has a liquid crystal display with power indicator, battery level etc. and I've not worked out what it all means yet. However I went for my usual 16 mile ride and there seemed to be plenty left in the battery at the end of the ride. I wonder if the Sprint will be kinder to the battery than the Quando.


Oct 25, 2006
The Quando motor feels more nippy because of it's 576 watts gross, about 475 watts net at the wheel. It's peak power occurs at about 8.7 mph, maximum efficiency with 180 watts consumption is at about 15 mph

The UK Sprint motor is 500 watts gross and about 410 watts net at the wheel and should be a bit easier on the battery, especially since you'll be able to help more effectively. It's peak power occurs at about 8.5 mph, and at that and all speeds below that, the consumption is the maximum 500 watts. The more you keep above that, the easier time the battery has and the longer the range. At about 16 mph the consumption is at it's minimum of around 170 watts, and that's it's point of maximum efficiency. You'll find the range very much better than the Quando.

Hope that's some help.


Mar 5, 2007
Leicestershire Le8

Thanks for the prompt response with the data.

Yes it looks like the range is going to be better, and I'm also more confident of being able to pedal home if I get a flat battery. This will be increasingly important as the LiIon battery ages. The plan is to use the LiIon battery intensively, swopping it between Sprint and Quando, and to keep the new NiMH in reserve. The Sprint therefore looks like being the preferred bike for longer trips for the time being.


Oct 25, 2006
That's definitely the best way round, using the Li-ion as it simultaneously ages. Don't forget to charge the NiMh at least once every two months if you're not using it, to keep it in good condition meanwhile.