My sister who lives in switzerland is looking for a ready made electric bike for 20 km commuting journey. (10 km each way).
she found some sellers in switzerland but they are all very expensive and not that good value for money either.
I found out this in France for 600 euro:
It looks decent for its price with 2 years warranty. It would be a bit of a pain to go back to france for the support however.
Any better suggestion? She's not tech savvy like me so it needs to be good and reliable. She can afford more expensive as long as it's not overpriced (ie. 3k for a bike)
My sister who lives in switzerland is looking for a ready made electric bike for 20 km commuting journey. (10 km each way).
she found some sellers in switzerland but they are all very expensive and not that good value for money either.
I found out this in France for 600 euro:
It looks decent for its price with 2 years warranty. It would be a bit of a pain to go back to france for the support however.
Any better suggestion? She's not tech savvy like me so it needs to be good and reliable. She can afford more expensive as long as it's not overpriced (ie. 3k for a bike)