Recycling a Powerbyke


Just Joined
Oct 4, 2007
hi all

I'm new here but no stranger to electric bikes, I have a Powerbyke Euro in my garage thats been in there a couple a of years dead, thanks to a useless dealer who shall remain nameless.

I'm thinking of taking it to bits as I know the motor hub and electronics were in working order before it was put in storage.

I'm thinking of installing the hub and wheel to old mountain bike I have laying about.

Does anybody know if the controller can be removed simply from a powerbyke?

I would possibly looking at installing a thumb throttle due to twist gears on the mountain bike.

Any recommendations on possible Batteries would be great...

cheers. :cool:


Oct 25, 2006
Sorry I can't help on that controller Dataloss, but bear in mind that there are left hand twistgrip throttles and many bikes have them, including all the eZeebikes. Team Hybrid stock them sometimes as well.

The eZee 36 volt 9Ah NiMh battery is suitable, but won't have as long a range as the Powabyke SLAs. Best avoid most Lithium batteries with that motor, as it has a very high gross peak power (700 watts) which would stress many of them. However Powabyke are doing a lithium one now that is suitable.


Just Joined
Oct 4, 2007
Thanks for the info, most helpful, Range should not be a problem only looking for hill climbing help really. On another note My powerbyke battery never had much of a range to start with, as the wires kept disconnecting, The dealer took the whole bike away to be 'repaired' and it came back with different colour forks which were not fitted correctly and the battery was superglued together, I think I may have had it on the road for 2 months max. :eek:

So its been sitting in storage... Now working on way on making some of it useful again...

cheers again..


Just Joined
Oct 4, 2007
Scratch that just been and got it out from the back of the garage, its not fairing well at all :( my 3 other conventional bikes are fine aside from the odd cobweb, the powerbyke however seems to be decomposing.

The spokes on the hub wheel are rusting away, the brake arms on the fork are following suit, its a bit of mess frankly. I think it will be cheaper and quicker to go down the kit route or new bike complete..

thanks again.


Oct 25, 2006
Yes, they've never been well finished, and standing idle doesn't suit them. Once things get to that stage it's best to start again as you say.