My missus is about 5 foot 2 and weighs around 50kg. She is not a terribly confident cyclist. Balance and strength are the key barriers. But she is happy riding something with small wheels and a step through frame, like my Brompton, where she can easily put her feet down and feel safe. Trouble is, it's not a good bike for hills.
We live about 4 miles from the nearest small town but you can go almost all of the way there by off road, but tarmac, cycle way. It is mostly downhill all of the way there, but a gentle climb with some steep bits all of the way back.
I'd like to get her an electric bike that will let her comfortably do that journey and maybe a few others locally (perhaps a ten mile radius but steep hills abound).
Ideally, she'd be able to fold it and put it on a bus very occasionally eg if caught out in bad weather.
Given we live in the middle of nowhere it would be quite hard to travel somewhere to test a bike out.
I was considering something like the Whoosh Gale but they are out of stock until April.
Any alternative suggestions in a similar price range?
We live about 4 miles from the nearest small town but you can go almost all of the way there by off road, but tarmac, cycle way. It is mostly downhill all of the way there, but a gentle climb with some steep bits all of the way back.
I'd like to get her an electric bike that will let her comfortably do that journey and maybe a few others locally (perhaps a ten mile radius but steep hills abound).
Ideally, she'd be able to fold it and put it on a bus very occasionally eg if caught out in bad weather.
Given we live in the middle of nowhere it would be quite hard to travel somewhere to test a bike out.
I was considering something like the Whoosh Gale but they are out of stock until April.
Any alternative suggestions in a similar price range?
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