The largest western market for e-bikes is in mainland European countries like The Netherlands where cyclists don't wear helmets. And in the USA they often don't even bother with helmets on motorbikes.
SWMBO went to visit her friend in the Netherlands last year and they were out cycling and spotted some other cyclists "Oh look, Germans!" her friend said, they were of course all wearing helmets... I think that they don't wear MB helmets in the US because as they don't have health coverage, it is better to just die outright in an accident than to be injured
. Don't they have insects in the US? I can remember the state of my visor when I did +200 km runs on my MB.
The new s-pedelec helmets are on their way SW but they are not full face. They are light enough and airy enough to enable pedaling. No word in France about modifying the helmet law for s-pedelecs, maybe it is on the agenda of M. Hulot? One of the presidential candidates actually had "relax laws to encourage experimentation in sustainable individual transport" on her/his manifesto. One of the candidates that got less than 5% of the vote in the first round... There would be an explosion of s-pedelec sales and use in France if there was a reasonable helmet law (a smaller number plate might help too). Motorbike helmets killed the Motobecane and other Mobylettes.