there are lots of power sticks on eBay for fairly decent prices, I don't really know how the maths add up, is it possible to combine them and would they be any better than AA batteries? like if you have 5x7.2=36v 4ah batteries, does it combined to do 20ah?
Find 4 RC 7.2V 3300mAh NiMH Battery For Tamiya Traxxas 7.2 V on eBay within Cars, Radio Control Vehicles, Radio Control, Toys Hobbies (end time 14-Nov-07 02:00:00 GMT) - nimh 7.2v, Radio-Controlled, Power Tools, DIY Tools items at low prices
Find 4 RC 7.2V 3300mAh NiMH Battery For Tamiya Traxxas 7.2 V on eBay within Cars, Radio Control Vehicles, Radio Control, Toys Hobbies (end time 14-Nov-07 02:00:00 GMT) - nimh 7.2v, Radio-Controlled, Power Tools, DIY Tools items at low prices
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