Pros and Cons of Electric bikes


Feb 19, 2008
S.W. Herts
hi friends,
can anyone tell me the pros and cons of the electric bikes?
Hi InfiBeam,

That's a big question you've asked! For a good general guide to electric bikes try looking at the A to B website, which gives a good overview and delves into technical aspects in some detail (see link below).

A to B magazine, folding bikes, electric bicycles, trailers, sister publication to Miniature Railway magazine

Also try clicking on some of the supplier links on this website to get an idea of the range of bikes that are available and how much they cost. Of course, there may be different options and prices available in your part of the world.

One thing you will discover quite quickly is that there are not only pros and cons to electric bikes in general but pros and cons to different types and makes of electric bikes. It is important to think about what you want from a bike and how it will be used. Do you want it to feel like riding a normal bike, but with added power or do you want the battery to do all the work, so that it feels like riding an electric moped? Some bikes combine both these options in one bike, but some do not. A really important consideration is whether you need to climb hills or not, as some types of electric bike are good at this and some are not.

As with most things in life you get what you pay for and I think most people on this forum would agree that this is particularly true of electric bikes. The battery technology and management systems are really quite advanced and therefore expensive. In the UK there are not many good options below £1000.Another thing to bear in mind is that different countries have different regulations about electric bikes, i.e. how powerful they can be and how fast the motor can make them go. You will need to find out about this for your region - a local dealer should be able to help.

There is a lot of information on this website too, but it can be difficult to find.
Try reading some of the bike reviews and the articles in the techniical section. In particular, look out for things written by Flecc: he writes very clearly and factually about electric bikes and what he doesn't know isn't worth knowing.

Hope this helps to get you started.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 13, 2008

Ebikers use their ebikes 82% of the year. 42% to 62% in normal bikers.
Slow improving levels of fitness attained.
Able to carry heavy loads on the ebike.
Less effort.


Ebike are more heavy than a non ebike (but the power you get probably evens this out).
Much more expensive.
Sometimes very ugly and not modern looking.
Poor working life compared to a normal bike (4years +).
Further investment in buying another battery.
Parts and batteries are hard to find with old models (reinvestment in another ebike needed).
Very poor waiting periods to get one (still waiting now 13 weeks).
Poor range of frame sizes (improving though now with Kalkhoff range).


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
one good point

a good point about e-bikes is you get to spend loads of time in the garden drinking beer....aint that right burncycle...:rolleyes: