Project: through all european countries (over 10.000km) with electric bicycle


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 21, 2007
here the link i found in another velo-forum:
BikeTec - Europa Tour Project

bike will be a Flyer from

interesting values:
the flyer will need about the same amout of energy for 100km like
showering for 3min...

for the whole distance of over 10.000km there will be electricity of around 10 Euro been used

nice project..
(the energy will be energy-neutral from solar-panels standing in switzerland)
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 21, 2007
ok.. i was too fast with reading:
the guy is a (former) football-player..

and i will drive through all "Euro 08 Teilnehmerstaaten"..

so all countries, who will play at Euro 08 this year here in Austria (and Switzerland)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 21, 2007
a pretty meaningless exercise in itself
is there any other kind of meaningfull exercise in itself ? ;)

10 Euro for 10.000km --> thats (for me) the big number which stays in the mind...


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 4, 2006
is there any other kind of meaningfull exercise in itself ? ;)

10 Euro for 10.000km --> thats (for me) the big number which stays in the mind...
It would be more meaningful if they'd attempt the journey using only electric power.....

10 Euro for 10,000km - big deal..... just means they can set a very low assistance rate. It could be 2 Euro for 10,000km, or as flecc wrote....


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 21, 2007
10 Euro

--> 18cent for 1kwh from a regular powerplant
10 Euro --> 56 kWh

56kWh <-> 10.000km ====> 560Wh for 100km

lets assume he is running 20km/h average
-> so he can use 112W per hour average from the 560Wh for the 100km

considering the efficience of the drivetrain/motor
maybe 70W come to the wheels as assistant power..

so: instead of maybe 140Watt of own power, he would need only 70Watt to get the same speed
sounds for me not that bad

well.. alot of calculating around with no real-world-numbers..
at least i think its enough assistance to be noticable and make the ride easier
i like the project and i will try to look now and then in his blog (he wants to update it with pictures from the route every 2 days)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 4, 2006
so: instead of maybe 140Watt of own power, he would need only 70Watt to get the same speed
sounds for me not that bad
I guess whether it's worth it, or not, depends on the terrain..

Anyway, I didn't mean to be negative, about the trip, and thanks for posting :)
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