The other day my bike with retrofitted front AKM hub kit decided to show an error message 03. I know that that's a hall sensor error except that from a previous thread I started, this motor doesn't have any. But the throttle still worked. After pulling the controller out of its bag to see if any connectors had come adrift (none were) and rebagging, the throttle still worked but as soon as I started peddling the display and motor turned itself off completely. I have to unplug the battery to get the display to turn back on again.
The current controller is a KT24/36SVPR-HRD01 with jst type connectors. I use Bosch 36v lawn mower batteries. I have also tried with the KT square wave controller and the display and motor just cut out immediately I use the throttle or the pedals.
Any ideas as I'm now stumped.
The other day my bike with retrofitted front AKM hub kit decided to show an error message 03. I know that that's a hall sensor error except that from a previous thread I started, this motor doesn't have any. But the throttle still worked. After pulling the controller out of its bag to see if any connectors had come adrift (none were) and rebagging, the throttle still worked but as soon as I started peddling the display and motor turned itself off completely. I have to unplug the battery to get the display to turn back on again.
The current controller is a KT24/36SVPR-HRD01 with jst type connectors. I use Bosch 36v lawn mower batteries. I have also tried with the KT square wave controller and the display and motor just cut out immediately I use the throttle or the pedals.
Any ideas as I'm now stumped.