I recently bought a Powatryke Mk1 that seemed okay-ish at first, pottering around the yard, then it became obvious once I tried to use it on the road that the range was extremely limited, I found an incorrect smaller 36 volt Li-ion battery of 7.8 AH had been installed in the battery case so sourced a set of three of the correct CSB 12 volt 15 AH batteries as per Powabyke's website. Upon installation I got nothing until I replaced the power controller (which had previously been okay) PCB with a used unit I managed to find on E-bay. Off I go down the road and - it's exactly the same, it loses power after a couple of hundred meters and barely gets me back home. I measured the voltage across the terminals at 38 volts and checked the battery charger - it was delivering 42 volts for a few minutes then the green light comes on and it settles down to 40 volts. I checked each individual battery with a known good and trusted charger and this showed each battery to by fully charged. So I conclude that the problem lies elsewhere, but that's the thing - where and what is wrong? Could the fault be inside the power hub? All wiring looks okay and nothing seems to be getting hot. I have absolutely no experience with these things so am unsure what to do next - all suggestions will be much appreciated...