Your panel is analogue. All the ones with +and - buttons that I've see use LCDs and a digital system, so they're not compatible. You'd need to change the controller and the panel together -cost about £50 to £100. You nearly always need to change some connectors when you change controllers.I've got the below control panel on my bike, would it be possible and relatively straight forward to replace this with something that has +/- controls, everything is great on the bike except it's a real pain if I want to go down one level to rotate all the way through.
View attachment 19315
If you need any help post a picture of your controller that shows all its connectors.Hello Rikk, I do have a similar problem, would like to replace a thumb throttle & PAS system to the KT-LCD3 control panel, up to now, nobody has given a ip or hint or help, well then jump into the ice-cold water and give it a try.
Good luck