Police launch massive crackdown on e-bikes and e-scooters which pose ‘danger’ to pedestrians


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 8, 2010
I thought the Rider`s were the dangerous part not the E machines . The continual coverage of this topic in the Press is giving us all a bad name .
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
They're not going to block cheap low quality battery imports from AliExpress and other far eastern online souks, and folks drawing far too much amperage from them, charging too fast, therefore the new "Lithium-ion Battery Safety Bill" is utterly useless and ineffectual and the fires will keep happening. Probably at a faster rate as ebikes increase in number.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 9, 2021
Seizing 'illegal' electric bikes is good publicity for the Police of course.

But are they following up by prosecuting the owners ?

And especially prosecuting those that have driving licenses for using a vehicle without insurance etc.

I would imagine that if you in future want to insure a motor vehicle for real then having a conviction for using a vehicle without insurance does not help you to get the lowest quotes.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
The problem here is that Lenny has an obsession and is constantly hyping this cr ap and leaving a permanent trail on the internet that will make more and more people like my relative get refused a room when he arrived at a hotel with his £3000 ebike of impeccable breeding,because the hotelier thought it was a potential bomb from stuff he's seen.

All the hype will also lead to home insurance exclusions and premium surcharges. None of us will elude these impacts.

The sorriest state of affairs is that far too many people don't understand statistics and miss the point that whereas there have been a very small number of fires in the whole data set of fires - 199 e-bile fires in 2023 out of a total of 594,384 UK fires reported.

This means that ONE fire in every 2986 fires was an ebike in 2023.

You are almost three thousand times as likely to be involved in a fire caused by something else than you are to be involved in an e-bike fire.

Ho hum - just carry on hyping the matter though. Who cares about the reality of risks?

And of course really stupid people do really stupid things with e-bikes, like they do with other things like chip pans, smoking equipment and even a simple box of matches. All of these fires could be eliminated if people acted sensibly. Nobody is as far as I know seeking to legislate controls on the sale of matches and cigarette lighters, but smoking is just about the largest cause of fire deaths in this country and of course, a cigarette without a match or a lighter isn't much use, so why are there no attempts to legislate them out of existence?

Anecdotally - the majority of burned e-bikes that I have seen were delivery bikes, way illegal in the main, drawing loads of power from their batteries and likely being fast charged after a hard run. They generally but not always, ignite while being charged and since most of them are obviously grotesque contraptions, who knows what the chargers are delivering.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 27, 2022
The problem here is that Lenny has an obsession and is constantly hyping this cr ap and leaving a permanent trail on the internet that will make more and more people like my relative get refused a room when he arrived at a hotel with his £3000 ebike of impeccable breeding,because the hotelier thought it was a potential bomb from stuff he's seen.
I wouldn't blame Lenny for that. Hotel manager made right decision in my humble opinion. People shouldn't bring potential bombs into hotel rooms regardless of how small risk of explosion is. On another hand hotel should provide adequate and safe storage space for e-bikes.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 29, 2016
Niedeau, Austria
I wouldn't blame Lenny for that. Hotel manager made right decision in my humble opinion. People shouldn't bring potential bombs into hotel rooms regardless of how small risk of explosion is. On another hand hotel should provide adequate and safe storage space for e-bikes.

Problem is no one would want to pay for a separate secure facility with fire detection/suppression.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 8, 2010
Three of those 5 bikes in the picture are Allegro`s . I must confess that I hadn`t heard of this Make . Googling put me right and on looking at the prices these appear to be at the top end for Chinese Fat Tyre Ebikes . The power outputs in some cases exceed the legal limit . Not sure what attracted the Police to these machines in the first place , perhaps their appearance , the way they were being ridden or an extensive knowledge of the Ebike scene ? Perhaps Allegro Owners would be well advised to ride sensibly or cover the name transfer with tape to protect their £1600 investment .


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Three of those 5 bikes in the picture are Allegro`s . I must confess that I hadn`t heard of this Make . Googling put me right and on looking at the prices these appear to be at the top end for Chinese Fat Tyre Ebikes . The power outputs in some cases exceed the legal limit . Not sure what attracted the Police to these machines in the first place , perhaps their appearance , the way they were being ridden or an extensive knowledge of the Ebike scene ? Perhaps Allegro Owners would be well advised to ride sensibly or cover the name transfer with tape to protect their £1600 investment .
How convenient, can be bought primed to explode derestricted.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Problem is no one would want to pay for a separate secure facility with fire detection/suppression.
They could store ebike batteries inside weighted watertight boxes in swimming pools, when hotels have them? Pop 'n' steam storage.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
I wouldn't blame Lenny for that. Hotel manager made right decision in my humble opinion. People shouldn't bring potential bombs into hotel rooms regardless of how small risk of explosion is. On another hand hotel should provide adequate and safe storage space for e-bikes.

My brother in law was riding a Bosch e-bike. They refused to have it on their premises anywhere.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 9, 2021
Hotel manager made right decision in my humble opinion. People shouldn't bring potential bombs into hotel rooms regardless of how small risk of explosion is.

Put your self in the position of the hotel manager.

Even if the eBike looks like a 'proper' eBike, how can the average hotel manager know if the battery used is not one of those that a DIY novice has 'repaired' following advice after a few posts on an eBike\Pedelec Internet forum.

I would not store an eBike or its battery in my own bedroom just as I would not store a can of petrol in my bedroom.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 15, 2022
Fck me, are cans of petrol now also randomly catching fire....??

I've got a 5l plastic jerry can full of 99.9% IPA in my kitchen, do I win?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
Fck me, are cans of petrol now also randomly catching fire....??

I've got a 5l plastic jerry can full of 99.9% IPA in my kitchen, do I win?
I have a gallon of naptha in a cupboard.

No - I win, I think. The lid is on very tight though, so maybe not.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 15, 2022
Did you buy it from a shop or was it delivered?

It's only just occurred to me that I got the 5l of 99.9% IPA delivered through the post from ebay seller (was 2yrs ago now), is that even legal?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
Did you buy it from a shop or was it delivered?

It's only just occurred to me that I got the 5l of 99.9% IPA delivered through the post from ebay seller (was 2yrs ago now), is that even legal?
Bought it on ebay and it came by courier. I think it was about £14. Had it a while though.

It went by the name Panel Wipe - meant for cleaning car panels when painting them, but it is pure naptha which is a pretty clean burning form of petrol. I was using it in a model hit and miss engine I bought from China. The ignition unit in the engine failed pretty early so I adapted one of those sparking gas lighters that I had, to do the job of an ignition unit. I just needed to change a few capacitors and link up the hall sensor under the fly wheel to the lighter trigger circuit to trigger the spark. This video is the first run of the engine with my home made ignition unit in it.

Yes - I also have a gallon of 99.9% isopropanol too. Perhaps i should be pursued and bothered by the authorities and regulated into a jail cell.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
It's only just occurred to me that I got the 5l of 99.9% IPA delivered through the post from ebay seller (was 2yrs ago now), is that even legal?
So have I - Evri don't care, for whatever reason. They also delivered a big slightly leaky tin of flammable Aeroshell 22. Both were delivered contained in thick airtight bags. Are click and collect shops even insured for storage of flammable materials? Was and still is an option, even my local ASDA does it now. I don't think I can click and collect an ebike battery - that'd be convenient.

Two weeks ago, without thinking I received a large heavy noisy box (loose parts banging) for my neighbour from Evri, and had my photo snapped yet again without consent for the Chinese government, only to realise in horror it contained a cheap nasty ebike battery - it was one of those tiny emotorbikes kids zoom about on. It wasn't in my house long enough to attach a temperature alarm.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
I should start marketing temperature activated ebike battery catapults to hotels, burning batteries could be aimed at competing chains.

My battery is snoozing in a warm room with a temperature sensor plonked on it, ready to be explulserated via the window when the siren sounds at 26°C - cheap and easy, like my women.
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