I'm still opposed to the continuation of this on the very few that still have it, mainly dated designs now.
On leaving the local Sainsbury's with the weight of my bike, myself and a load of shopping, I have to set off up a quite steep slope which is one way, so no other option. That alone makes the zero power start unacceptable, and there are also the situations where one wants to walk alongside up a steep slope with the bike powering itself up. I have such a situation to get the bike up to my front door, and for many this is an option when a hill is too steep for them to cope while riding.
Since one of the major reasons for buying an e-bike is help on hills, they should be designed to cope with all aspects of hilly areas. Those bikes that need pedalling off the mark fall short of what is needed, making them only suitable for those not facing the difficulties I've mentioned, mainly those in predominantly flat areas.