Pedelecs are they a gimmick


Just Joined
Jul 22, 2024
I got my Khalkhoff Agattu from 50 Cycles - 15 years ago? £2970 Still going but original battery 8Ah is down to 50% level. The Pedelec still OK but my arthritis now prohibits use. Things have changed a lot for ebikes

Pedelec was all the rage back then - and Im sure they do give you extended range - but by how much? anyone know (the claim was 39km flat IIRC)
What is known is the mechanical efficiency of hub vs derailleur gear (mine 8sp hub shimano) 92% vs 98%. Quite a difference IMO.

Pedelec mixed blessing - when starting up a slight hill Tee junct (dont try on >5%). I was thrown off mine when I turned into a side street up hill 10%. I had not changed down to lowest gear quick enough and so slowed down very quickly - then un able to maintain momentum the pedelec switch off power at bottom cadence and I stopped abruptly and fell off very roughly - could have broken something. Never made that mistake again.

One thing must be said about Khalkhoff is the very superior build quality. Nothing cheap charlie here - a Top Standard for everything to the last nut and bolt. You pay for it ca +50% but time and usage has shown the value.

One thing I didnt like were the tele forks. As a commuter I often did a lot of slow speed stuff on pavements (avaoiding main roads) - I always gave pedestrians right of way and stopped if in doubt. Never had a cross word in 10 years with peeple but I always rode slowly in a polite manner clearly showing I was no danger especially round kids and seniors. Trying to balance with teleforks was tricky as they dip and the cog would change. So I made them rigid by clamping them up solid and that solved the problem (FWIW 20" wheel much better for pavement work than 26"). I am a lifelong cyclist so well able to bunny hop and raise my butt for potholes.

Well thats my 50hz worth. I really ought to sell my bike as its lying in the shed unused last 5 years.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
you will be lucky to give it away everyone of those mid drive motors failed and ended 50c
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Just Joined
Jul 22, 2024
Yes it is a panasonic motor - no issues AFAIK. I read about the later bad mid drive motors - universally bad news. What a great shame on Khalkhoff . Im not sure that the motor problem was ever solved - as they say you cant polish a trud
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Oct 25, 2006
Yes it is a panasonic motor - no issues AFAIK. I read about the later bad mid drive motors - universally bad news. What a great shame on Khalkhoff . Im not sure that the motor problem was ever solved - as they say you cant polish a trud
They eventually changed to the Bosch motors which were ok, but by then Kalkhoff's damaged reputation here had wrecked their sales in Britain.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
they did fix it well peter did just buy the time he cam along they was long gone.
  • 2.0 & 2.3 £275.97*
  • Evo & Evo RS £295.62*


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
Most modern day EPAC's are far far better then 15 years ago as are the kits for diyer's.
Range doesn't need to be an issue, over 100 miles is quite easy today with better cells available.
As for disabilities or mobility issues a Wisper bike with a legal SVA authourised thumb speed control opens up alot od possibilities.
And one doesn't need to spend nearly 3k for a bike .


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
How bad is the arthritis? A more current mid-drive would be quite the revelation, compared to that Agattu. I get about 43 miles of almost zero effort pedelecing from my mid-driven 20" wheeled folding bike, and that's over mixed terrain with plenty of hills. Lots of options out there these days for near zero-effort pedelecing. Or you can buy a pedelec with a pre-legalised throttle.
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