PAS Sensor Issue Greenedge CS2/16


Finding my (electric) wheels
Nov 25, 2019
Hi All , I hope someone can assist me with the following issue I am having with my Greenedge CS2/16 E Bike .

I returned from holiday recently , during which my bike got a thorough rain soaking on the bike carrier (the battery was not in place). After leaving it for several days to dry out thoroughly in my greenhouse and thoroughly inspecting the electrics for moisture I went for a ride .

Although the lcd controller is fully functional speed, distance etc. and the throttle control works as normal there is unfortunately no readout or assistance on the PAS system at any setting. I assumed I must have knocked the PAS magnet out of alignment when dismounting the bike form the rack.

I have checked this and recalibrated it , checked all the cable connections for all the control systems and they appear to be functioning (i.e brake signal activates on the controller.)

I have checked that the cable from the female plug that goes into the controller board is unbroken (by putting in staples to the holes , this gives an E message on the controller when shorted ) so I'm assuming that the cable does not have a break in it.

I have tried to check for continuity from the magnetic sensor to the male plug ,but cannot figure out a way to test this (any advice would assist).

can anyone assist with any further checks I could perform to check the PAS magnet lead cable is still whole ?

I have looked at EBikes direct and elsewhere for a replacement PAS sensor unit and the EBikes direct one supplied now is totally different to the original one (different type / major issue is connection plug is completely different appears to now go into a plug on the PCB board, whereas mine has a 3 pin male and female rubberised connection and the board is hardwired and resin bound).

Any help would be massively appreciated on any aspect , as I use the bike to commute to work daily.

I have tried to give as much detail as possible in advance.

Best regards and thanks in advance for any help given . Glenn



Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
Is the Yellow pas connector a julet or Higo brand ?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
The female part is the controller side so with battery power to the controller test to see that 4.5 - 5v is present. I think the voltage 5v pin should be (as we look at the pic) top left and the Gnd is bottom, stick a couple of needles or dress making pins in the holes to touch th probes on. If no reading try the top right for the volatge pin.

If you get a good voltage on the 5v then one suspects a Hall issue with the sensor, one can't test this unless a Y lead is made up.

Sensor wise any PAS with a julet male connector should work.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
Last edited:


Finding my (electric) wheels
Nov 25, 2019
Hi Nealh, really appreciate all your help.
Tried testing the output on the lead with the voltmeter on the 20v setting, only getting 0.02 reading. I have tried all the combination of holes. Not sure if it is worth a punt on the sensor, but I will give it a go. Thanks once more for all your help.
Many thanks Glenn


Finding my (electric) wheels
Nov 25, 2019
Hi all , bit a of a delay regarding this issue as it took nearly 6 months to get the halls sensors changed in the rear motor (which the display unit was showing as faulty).
I refitted the motor and installed a another new PAS from EBikes direct see photo and now are getting a E01 error which according to the display manual is the comm cable .

The bike throttle works when it wants to and there is no PAS at all now !!.

is anyone aware of the number of magnets that are contained within the PAS sensor ( I have emailed EBikes direct )

I need the information to set up the control system in the controller


Also, a long shot I know , but does anyone know how many hall sensors or what the setting is for the display unit regarding the rear hub motor (there are 3 but i have tried that )?

The display unit is a (middle install intelligent LCD display model APT13LCD450U)) from Tianjin

As you can imagine I am at my wits end with this and may just strip the components and sell the battery / charger etc .

Many, many thnaks in advance for any help

regards Glenn


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
Typically those type are 12 poles inside.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
Make sure the inner part rotates smoothly, one can pry the two pieces apart to make sure it is clean inside and give it a light lube with silicone lube or a smear of liquid grease. The inner part with the splines needs to firmly grip the axle shaft of the BB otherwise it won't work , one can wrap some tape around he axle for it to grip better.
