how does a panasonic motor works? (or where is it explained in the forum, sorry i didnt find it yet)
this panasonic motor is to be found on flyer and raleigh and kalkhof
in flyer they spek about frequency (cadence) of 70 or 85 (sport motor)
so i can imagine that somehow my frequency of pedalling is registered and than is registered too the torque i apply
and then i have to choose the mode between 3 modes (low, middle , maximum) but those will be similar, only difference on how much assistance is given
- so lets imagine i put my mode on maximum and i start on a flat land.
- i start on a flat land, with mode maximum and with gear 4 (as an example gear 4 from 8) and let say i put my weight on the pedal (or the corresponding torque). the panasonic unit detects that and will give a certain motor power and it will help me drive the chain and i feel it and the bike starts.
then what happens? let say i stay on the gear 4 (to understand) and on a flat road. if i apply a highest torque to accelerate than the motor register it and helps, provides assistance. if i improve the "cadence" (or frequency? what is the right english word?) on pedalling than the motor is less and less assisting until i reach the maximum "cadence" of 70 or 85 where the motor doesnt assist more?
- depending on the gear i choose and on the road i have i apply a certain "cadence" and a certain torque. how does panasonic reacts to that? how can one imagine the unit function?
- i think of several images of driving :
1. i have a constant speed, torque and cadence on a flat road. is panasonic assisting? with a hub motor i choose the assistance with the throttle.
2. i apply a highest torque because i am starting or going on a hill or changing the gear, then panasonic assists. until when?
when my cadence reach the limit there is no more assistance
this panasonic motor is to be found on flyer and raleigh and kalkhof
in flyer they spek about frequency (cadence) of 70 or 85 (sport motor)
so i can imagine that somehow my frequency of pedalling is registered and than is registered too the torque i apply
and then i have to choose the mode between 3 modes (low, middle , maximum) but those will be similar, only difference on how much assistance is given
- so lets imagine i put my mode on maximum and i start on a flat land.
- i start on a flat land, with mode maximum and with gear 4 (as an example gear 4 from 8) and let say i put my weight on the pedal (or the corresponding torque). the panasonic unit detects that and will give a certain motor power and it will help me drive the chain and i feel it and the bike starts.
then what happens? let say i stay on the gear 4 (to understand) and on a flat road. if i apply a highest torque to accelerate than the motor register it and helps, provides assistance. if i improve the "cadence" (or frequency? what is the right english word?) on pedalling than the motor is less and less assisting until i reach the maximum "cadence" of 70 or 85 where the motor doesnt assist more?
- depending on the gear i choose and on the road i have i apply a certain "cadence" and a certain torque. how does panasonic reacts to that? how can one imagine the unit function?
- i think of several images of driving :
1. i have a constant speed, torque and cadence on a flat road. is panasonic assisting? with a hub motor i choose the assistance with the throttle.
2. i apply a highest torque because i am starting or going on a hill or changing the gear, then panasonic assists. until when?
when my cadence reach the limit there is no more assistance