My Agattu arrived assembled in a very large box (195cmx117x24) that is much bigger than a regular bike box. I would like to ship it to America by sea. If I could use a regular sized bike box I would save some shipping fees since the price is by cubic foot. Will it damage anything if the bike is fitted into a regular box?
I assume that even if I do not have the battery on the bike, that I cannot take it by air on British Air because of the motor? Is that right?
Thanks for your help.
My Agattu arrived assembled in a very large box (195cmx117x24) that is much bigger than a regular bike box. I would like to ship it to America by sea. If I could use a regular sized bike box I would save some shipping fees since the price is by cubic foot. Will it damage anything if the bike is fitted into a regular box?
I assume that even if I do not have the battery on the bike, that I cannot take it by air on British Air because of the motor? Is that right?
Thanks for your help.