Oh Dear!



Whilst out for a ride early Sunday morning, I managed carelessly to give a metal bollard on a cycle route a glancing blow with my right hand:eek:
Unfortunately my hand came off worst and during the course of the day became very swollen and painfull. However I still managed to remove a rear sprocket from one of my Agattus and cycle to a local dealer where I bought a 18 tooth replacement, then rode home and fitted it. My hand was quite swollen for the early part of the week and hasn't stopped me working or driving to a seminar in Cheltenham on Wednesday, but this morning I decided to go to the A&E department at the hospital where I work, had an X-Ray and discovered that I have a fractured metacarpal bone:eek:
Now my hand is strapped up until Monday when I go and see Fred, my mate the hand surgeon.
So that is my cycling over for a couple of weeks at least:(


P.S. typed this with 2 index fingers and nearly gave up!

P.P.S. hope all of you going to Presteigne have great weekend.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 7, 2008
Whilst out for a ride early Sunday morning, I managed carelessly to give a metal bollard on a cycle route a glancing blow with my right hand:eek:
Unfortunately my hand came off worst and during the course of the day became very swollen and painfull. However I still managed to remove a rear sprocket from one of my Agattus and cycle to a local dealer where I bought a 18 tooth replacement, then rode home and fitted it. My hand was quite swollen for the early part of the week and hasn't stopped me working or driving to a seminar in Cheltenham on Wednesday, but this morning I decided to go to the A&E department at the hospital where I work, had an X-Ray and discovered that I have a fractured metacarpal bone:eek:
Now my hand is strapped up until Monday when I go and see Fred, my mate the hand surgeon.
So that is my cycling over for a couple of weeks at least:(


P.S. typed this with 2 index fingers and nearly gave up!

P.P.S. hope all of you going to Presteigne have great weekend.
Get well soon John and when your hand is up to it, let us know how you found performing the sprocket change.



Oct 25, 2006
Sorry to hear this John. Hope you heal rapidly and painlessly.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 11, 2007
Ouch - I guess that's you out of the England team for a while . . . . or is that a metatarsal? Perhaps the England beach volleyball team!

All the best and sorry to hear it John.

Oh, and if you want me to go and teach the bollard a lesson, just say the word. :mad:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 13, 2008
Hi John, Sorry to hear about your injury.
I too injured and fractured my hand October 2007.
I was off work 12 weeks. The bones took only a little time to heal, though by my hand being imobilized, it took much longer to get back to use of my hand regarding muscles and tendons.
It took weeks of hand physiotherapy. I went through a few squash balls to get my hand to work properly. Its fine now though.
But expect a bit of a long haul.

Regards Bob.
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Get well soon John and when your hand is up to it, let us know how you found performing the sprocket change.


The sprocket change was relatively straight forward, even with a broken finger. Just a case of being careful to replace everything in the same order you remove it. Particular care is required when removing the large circlip, I did it with a flat blade screw driver, but there is no doubt a special tool to perform this task. I also removed 1 chain link to restore same amount of tension on the chain. My sprocket cost £4.99 from a local bike shop.



Ouch - I guess that's you out of the England team for a while . . . . or is that a metatarsal? Perhaps the England beach volleyball team!

All the best and sorry to hear it John.

Oh, and if you want me to go and teach the bollard a lesson, just say the word. :mad:
Being a Scot Django I doubt if any England team would have me, particularly after this weeks fiasco in Manchester. On a positive note, the Scots have helped to boost the economy of north west England by drinking all the beer and buying up all the petrol and diesel along the M6:rolleyes:



Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2007
Whilst out for a ride early Sunday morning, I managed carelessly to give a metal bollard on a cycle route a glancing blow with my right hand:eek:
Unfortunately my hand came off worst and during the course of the day became very swollen and painfull. However I still managed to remove a rear sprocket from one of my Agattus and cycle to a local dealer where I bought a 18 tooth replacement, then rode home and fitted it. My hand was quite swollen for the early part of the week and hasn't stopped me working or driving to a seminar in Cheltenham on Wednesday, but this morning I decided to go to the A&E department at the hospital where I work, had an X-Ray and discovered that I have a fractured metacarpal bone:eek:
Now my hand is strapped up until Monday when I go and see Fred, my mate the hand surgeon.
So that is my cycling over for a couple of weeks at least


Just picked this up John.. sorry to hear about your collision with a bollard.
A few years ago I injured my wrist and when I went to the doctor I asked him for advice on how I should use it. He thought for a minute and said
" I suggest you alternate or abstain!":D



Sep 29, 2007
Sorry to hear about your accident John. Hope their isn't going to be a spate of them - I guess the risk increases the more we get out and about on our bikes. Hope your experience of A&E was as good as mine. I'm making the most of this week before I go back to work middle of next week - haven't been allocated the ironing yet, so there's still hope.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 9, 2007
Hi John,

Only just caught up with the threads. Sorry to hear about your accident and hope it all heals up quickly.

Something to think about though, as with the warmer weather I have stopped wearing gloves.



Thanks again guys for your kind words.
I'm now wearing a hand splint which is very restriticting for many tasks Musicbooks! Still working, but mainly telling others what to do. My hospital treatment has been superb and not just because I am a member of staff. Interesting to see things from the viewpoint of a 'customer' for a change, but I hope not to make a habit of it.

I broke 3 fingers on my left hand in a motorcycle accident when I was young and foolish. A one stage I thought it might be the end of my career before it had started.
One thing which has been driven home to me is to take better care of my hands and get some decent protective gloves.

It is also very frustrating not being able to ride a bike, possibly more frustrating than having to wait months for one?

That's all for now, my one typing finger needs a rest.

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Thanks Scott, I appreciate your concern. Hope Lloyd is recovering from his recent escapade.
I'm anxious to get back in the saddle.

