I know it won't be easy to do, but a video/audio clip of the noise would be useful to see/hear.
Out of the 4 tsdz2 I've fitted, one of them is noticeably noisier by far than the other three and the owner bought a tsdz2 B to replace it. He's given me the old one and despite my best efforts so far, the damn thing is still noisy when the motor cuts in.
I've had it apart numerous times and changed a couple of suspect bearings including the 'blue gear' but haven't resolved the issue yet.
The next step is to remove the blue gear and reassemble the motor and see if on powering up the motor the noise persists.
If it does, then the motor itself is the issue. If no noise, then it's something to do with the alignment/meshing of the blue gear and the helix motor drive shaft.
Anyone else got any suggestions?