No one turned up!


Oct 31, 2008
Last weekend I was invited, as a guest, to join others of a local cycle club to do a 12 mile ride and 12 back. I was advised by a friend who is a member of the club and who invited me, that electric bikes would be frowned on, so I took my ordinary quite old but light sports bike.
I got to the venue at the appointed time, waited and waited, there was no one in sight, except for one cyclist who was hovering, then cycled away looking at me, then turned round and approached me and said, ''Are you a member of the cycling club?'' I said I was merely a guest, he said he had also been invited as a guest by the same friend.
We waited, and waited but no one turned up, so we decided we would do the ride ourselves but cut down on the distance - after all, as we were the only ones in attendance we felt we deserved that leniency on ourselves, and who would know? There was quite a headwind on the ride and so it wasn't particularly enjoyable, I kept wishing I was on the e bike, it became more of an unpleasant endurance 'test'.
On the ride we encountered the guy who had invited us both, of course we had both expected him to be on the ride if no one else; he was walking the dog and going to his late mothers house to tidy up..........
A few days later I met for the first time, two of the club via my friend. I asked why no one had attended and the lady said ''Well there was quite a headwind that day''. I told them it might be an idea to buy an e bike, but the lady said, ''No, I like pushing''. You coudn't make it up!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 17, 2008
If my riding was only recreational then I wouldn't have an ebike and if I was due to go for a ride and it was really windy I'd probably cancel. But if I had invited other people to come along I'd make sure they knew it was cancelled!


Jul 1, 2008
With friend like that....

Hi Tenderbehind

If he's your friend I dont want to meet your enemies.;)