Hi. Newbie member. 64 Yr old male retired with motorhome. Having to give up my honda cb500x. Just had spinal surgery 2 weeks ago and due a right hip op soon. I bought a couple of freego folder leccy bikes 2 yrs ago. Useful as folders are. Gutless on hills etc. As the honda is going I want a pair of full size leccy bikes for me and er indoors, who wants to be out doors now. I'm a big fan of german engineering. So the list has been narrowed down to a step through frame. Bosch motor. Nexus 8 hub gears. So it's 1st choice Kalkhoff and 2nd choice gazelle. Pondering on belt drive v chain drive. Belt for longevity over oily chain. Does a belt make it easier to remove wheel fix punctures etc. Use will be road mainly with cycle path etc but not offroad mud tracks etc. I believe there called trek bikes? With a budget of £1500 ish per bike I am guessing it will be used rather than new. Frame sizing seems to be ambiguous. Per different suppliers? Any help is appreciated. Thanks