New to ebikes


Finding my (electric) wheels
Mar 12, 2012
Hi All,

Have been looking at ebikes for a couple of years and have finally taken the plunge. Bought a ProRider E-voyager, mainly because it has suspension both ends and is rear wheel drive. The main use is gentle off-roading, which I used to do by motorbike until the rules were changed. It is at the cheaper end of the ebike market, but seems well put together and the two (short) trips out so far have been good.

Will post again once I have a few more miles under its wheels.



Aug 1, 2008
Hello from West Wales,
my wife and I have had a pair of Kalkhoff Pro Connects for over 3 years and we have had a lot of great holidays with them on our twice yearly visits to Provence .
We have a campervan and usually park in a campsite and use the bikes for going to visit nearby vineyards,markets and so on.
The PC s have proved to be pretty reliable but needed new chargers and batteries after about 6 months when the originals proved to be faulty.The replacements are great and still show 5 lights. Apart from
the usual punctures when the local farmers have been trimming the blackthorn hedges.
Anyway have just decided that ,given our advancing years, we need a bit more go .
So have taken the plunge and ordered a pair of Kalkhoff Algattus with the new Impulse Drive.
Will send in a report when we have ridden them for a few weeks.