Recently got into e-biking to assist my 74-year-old legs up the Aberdeenshire hills. Bought a very cheap Giant LaFree for my wife, but after getting it home, found a problem with charger (after trying to get new battery - lucky failure!) so bought her a more expensive Kalkhoff Agattu, which she loves. Sorted the charger problem with the Giant, so used it myself for a while and liked it apart from the rather low top gear and the funny "Dutch" handlebars. Then when the chance came up to get a secondhand Kalkhoff Sahel Pro/Pro-connect for very good price, jumped at it. Needed work on the hydraulic disk brakes, which involved a bit of learning, or rather re-learning, brake bleeding techniques from days running old Volvos. All now functional, which gives us two e-bikes with identical batteries etc., meaning we can swap around if necessary. So far, very pleased with them, but the old Galaxy and Muddy Fox look a bit aggrieved at being left in the shed!