Thank you, that sounds just like the sort of thing I'm after.
imho give your self a week or so with the stock yose-power kit, while i found it initially different from expectations based on m/cycle ridding once used the the nuances of power restricted pedal assistance are easy to live with and accommodate becoming 2nd nature.
You can source a KT controller that will sit in the same battery sled position as the stock yose power controller, However this will be a single voltage controller. While KT controllers in the more generic silver box format are supplied in dual voltage (36v and 48v) format.
Whats the big deal about dual voltage?? you may well ask?.. Well with a dual voltage controller you can use both 36v or 48v batteries to power your bike, and a 48v battery will provide you with circa 33% more power/torque and speed, though the speed is irrelevant due to the speed cap.. BUT if needed to climb hills the extra torque can be a VERY USEFULL UPGRADE/option.
However to take advantage of dual voltage capabilities a silver box controller that will require a further bolt on box or strap on bag to house it will be necessary.. An aesthetic issue that may or may not be a factor in the decision.
Fwiw while my yose-power kit was enroute to me i ordered a 36/48v KT controller and display.. And never fitted it to my daily ride.. Instead it was installed on e-bike #2 - yeah thats another thing that can happen, once you get 1 ebike, its not uncommon to start a collection
which ever way you go -- enjoy
EDIT ALSO.. avoid a heart attack and the need to wear brown trousers due to loud Bangs Pops and Sparks by ALLWAYS ensuring your battery is turned OFF when connecting to the bike/battery sled. -